Great news! Biden agrees to debate!


what babies

how embarrassing for demicrats.

Podiums. Standing.

check out this headline

what a solid leader that non-trump guy is huh?

We are talking about podiums. And standing…

Has Biden cancelled yet?

and i am talking about babified democrat cowards

dont worry mommy media cnn will take care of everything.


None of those are “diva requests”. Not by any sane or reasonable definition of the term, anyway

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how sweet

“we dont want anyone cheering for trump again!”

gotta be just so for joe (the guy trump is running against).

The audience is a large factor in making the debates worthless. Good riddance.

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for the non-trump. right. of course

dont you worry about nothin’

democrats demand to have everything “just so” < chef kiss >

if the other side refuses then “oh trump chickened out!”

like i said. like it is. theater for the stupid

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Nothing you say, do, or think makes me worry. You were too far gone long, long ago.

oh not about me - no. i mean the debate. mommy media and cnn and democrat whiney babies will make sure everything’s gonna be ok for you. stress free night. your twilight non-trump candidate will be fine

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I would imagine that you find great comfort in having a built-in excuse (however wrong or lame) to excuse everything bad that happens to Trump. Like, for example losing, this upcoming debate to Biden

there is no imagination involved The Democrats are the ones asking for all the special set up, not me.


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Trump says he will take a drug test if Biden does.



This gets my nod for over reaction of the campaign thus far.

If there is no bias then why was she so afraid to discuss it>

I suspect the CNN brass told her to do what she did. Her body language was very frightened and submissive.

Pretty bad when so called media cannot talk with a smiling level headed spokesperson.



they’re pathetic.

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