Great news! Biden agrees to debate!

Maybe she should have asked the CNN doofus what’s the deal with Tapper”s infatuation with Trump’s sauseege?

I can’t even get mad over this.

It is just weird.


During the debate
DJT: “Hey Jake, wanna see something I’m really proud of”?


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maybe trump should press him on losing track of 50 some terrorists


Making excuses in case Trump loses the debate. It was the DRUGS! Trump doesn’t really suck at this.


Biden would melt the piss cup. :rofl:


Biden needs 7 days of debate prep to find out the most effective drug cocktail to use


Awww. It’s just good natured trash talk.

I am sure Genocide Joe will need nothing more than an extra cup of Let’s Go Brandon coffee.


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But it hurts. :rofl:

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In recognition of six months to Christmas lets have some fun with this classic.

If Geno Joe re-captures this level of showmanship Trump will be in big trouble.


:rofl: :innocent: :rofl:

Probably Jacked Up Joe this time.

Just like the SOTU.


They need to be careful about that.

Sure would be bad if he reacted poorly.


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The problem is Democrats, and their corrupt media are not careful about anything they do or say so put nothing past the despots. They don’t give a damn for the mental or physical health of their puppet ole Joe and a vote for “Joe Biden” is nothing more than a vote for communism.

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Are you referring to the corrupt media that had to pay out $787 Million dollars for lying last election?

Or some other media?

Please clarify.


Who do you think was taking Dr. Ronnie Johnson’s Provigil at the Trump WH?

I’ll watch the first debate but skeptical on the second. I don’t like either of these two and that’s already 90 minutes.

Whoever is winning in September will probably opt out of debate, so this may be the only one.

Are you referring to Fox News & voting machines? If you are, don’t worry they can afford it. The media you probably watch couldn’t afford that much. :woman_shrugging: The undisclosed amount paid to the high school kids they libeled almost broke their bank. :roll_eyes: Notice any favorite anchors no longer on your TV screen?

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Ok got it.


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