Graham requesting interview of DOJ officials

Let’s just say…he didn’t…since…there’s been previous investigations done…spending millions and millions of dollars, by investigators that had a strong Democrat political affiliation, that came up with NO indictable offenses and so one has to ask…when does it stop? When is the left satisfied? How much damage done to the country does it take to satisfy the left? Should those leading this damaging charge have any repercussions?

Nope…I remember all but one GOP Senator not having a backbone because they were afraid of getting a mean tweet from Trump.

I remember the Democrats helping Hillary fund the Steele dossier so Obama could spy illegally on Americans. You? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Attempted coups have consequences!

I dont know. He pissed off alot of people. He sacked the guy in charge of the FBI while trying to screw him out of his pension. The trumps better be squeaky ■■■■■■■ clean

Narrator: " They Aren’t"

What damage has been done by the democrats?

Coup: …“a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government”

Always love the dramatics the CEC come up with…lol, Most important election of our lifetime! …every 4 years…lol

Do you believe the current political climate in our country is a positive or a negative?

Negative as hell . What has trump contributed to bi partisanship? He goes after little kids if he feels threatened. He led the lock her up chants at his rallies.

Both Comey and McCabe should be indicted. The fat lady hasn’t sung yet but…I’m not holding my breath that justice will ever be applied equally under the law.

Yet you fell for the Russian collusion hoax. :rofl:

Any reasonable person must agree that Hillary’s crimes were indictable charges? The she “didn’t intend” to break the law is past ridiculous and to the point, I label it criminal. It clearly showed a two-tiered system of justice that both you and I should be appalled about. I am…how about you?

Did you read DOJ drops leak case vs. McCabe, judge said White House involvement like a 'banana republic'
Is this just more deep state stuff lol.

You no longer have a leg to stand on when the gop has let trump slide on everything from the Ukraine stuff to the DOJ. And you’re concerned about some ■■■■■■■ emails.

Worked for Hillary

The Resistance seems to support their criminal activity, truly appalling!

You guys sure do

Did you read it? The case was dropped not because McCabe’s actions were innocent but because the judge didn’t like how the case was being prosecuted. McCabe undeniably lied but he isn’t being prosecuted the same as General Flynn? These prosecutions are not being done on merit of the law but for political punishment. That isn’t justice and it isn’t what either you or I should stand for?

How’s that Russian collusion hoax, Mueller hoax and impeachment hoax working out for those freaks in the Democratic Party that pushed those lies?

Unfortunately the last 10 years or so has drawn lines in the sand. Theres no more give and take. Theres re vs blue and very little in between. New precedents have been set to make it worse. I dont know if it will ever recover