Government interference in private business

Who is hiring illegals?

You tell me first, Socrates.


The Nunes family farm in Iowa.

The Trump Corporation hires them.

You apparently knew, Socrates.

You apparently don’t.

Sure I do.

Well then?

After you.

I didn’t make the claim, but ok. It’s not who you think it is. Their legal family members and friends are doing it.

Trump hires family from Costa Rica to have them build his golf resort in Jersey?

Restaurants, hotels, construction and farms as well.

Many of them work for themselves and individuals hire them as landscapers and to do general repair work.

Trump hires laborers? You aren’t thinking.

Owned or run by family members and friends.

Usually with a front man who is legal.

His name is on the check.

One would think that after getting hit with a $1 million fine in 1980 after hiring illegal Polish labor to work on Demolition for Trump Tower he would put into place safeguards against that happening again.

But he didn’t.

Because he hires cheap illegal labor.

To the contractor.

Whose name is on the illegals’ paycheck? Tio Juan.

The amazing thing about the President.

The buck always stops somewhere over there… even the illegals he was employing to clean rooms at his place in Jersey… I am sure that that can be sluffed somehow.

I really do not understand this need to deflect responsibility away from the people who employ illegal labor for profit.


He did put safeguards in place. You didn’t see any Polish illegals swept up at the Trump properties this time.

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