Gov. Ron DeSantis Sends Two Planes of Illegal Aliens to Martha's Vineyard

Biden is an embarrassment

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You have a tough time assessing emotion over text.

I’m not mad, I’m confused and chuckling a bit. Conservatives now seem to support

Sanctuary cities
Virtue signaling

And conservatives now don’t seem to support ICE.

Same here. If folks want to vote to defund the police, I couldn’t care less if crime rises in their cities. I couldn’t care less if illegals go to a sanctuary state. Out of site, out of mind for me.

Too bad they aren’t out of site and the first thing on the minds of those who had to virtue signal. There’s plenty of money in Martha’s Vineyards. Those folks need to cough it up so the illegals can be accommodated in everyway possible.


And yet the dumbed down conservatives have been exactly right in this discussion while you continue to dig yourself a deeper hole.

Here’s a hint…American conservatives are sick and tired of putting up with liberal bull ■■■■■

You people created the problems that exist today at the southern border and not one if you possess either the intellect or integrity to own that fact…

Hence we get all the idiotic deflection from that simple fact we’ve read in this thread.


If I were a starving peasant and found out the royalty had to skip a few meals due to food shortages I’d get my jollies from it. Just like you get your jollies every time you think Trump is going to be nailed to the cross.

Nope. Biden flew them into States without any coordination or consideration.

That’s fantastic. See, they are in a much better environment. Welcomed with open arms. I’d think you’d support that. Who wants to be where you aren’t welcome?


DeSantis has a vision.

Yeppers …these damn sanctuary cities claim to be so caring and virtuous. Let them deal with the problems they created.

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I love it.

Maybe they will hire them as lawncare workers . . . well have their private assistants hire them.


Nope. But, if the people in those cities do then what business is it of mine?

Just like it’s none of their business that I don’t want illegals in my community or state.

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Need to send em about 1450 more. :wink:


But you did care…

Now since Desantis supports sanctuary cities… so do you. Clap clap.

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Need to send about 900 thousand to Michigan…can your state handle that?

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Desantis is virtue signaling. You just happen to like it.

Yup. If the folks are miffed about a few illegals imagine what it’s like where there are thousands. As I said, if they are too far removed from understanding the crisis they created, then bring the crises to them.

Maybe they will have a :bulb: moment but I kind of doubt it.

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That’s the problem the dunces on the left are having. Folks in DC and NY and Mawww-tha’s Vineyard are all fathers sudden getting a taste of what their virtue signaling braindeath has brought to the rest of us.

They thought they were safe all of us ignorant rubes from rural America would get stuck with the immigrant problem.

Libs are happy to tell us how much they care while we are solving the problems they’ve caused.


Well, that is grasping :rofl:

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And then send for their extended families.




That’s not you? :rofl:

I’m fine with whatever you want to call it. Fact of the matter is we have less illegals in this state today then we did yesterday. And yeah. I like. I like it A LOT.