Gov. Ron DeSantis Sends Two Planes of Illegal Aliens to Martha's Vineyard

Oh yes he did.

It’s ok that illegal criminals are in the US, so long as they aren’t in Florida?


We’ll know soon enough

Prove it

As long as they are sanctuaried.

Thought conservatives didn’t support sanctuary cities… now suddenly they do?

Other Linky

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Yep, there it is. Folks who don’t want illegals in their state or communities are low info. Yet, here you all are bemoaning how awful it is for these poor illegals to be sent to a sanctuary state that welcomes them with open arms.

Or, heck. Maybe you want them waiting in a jail cell or detention center because that is a much higher quality of life.

Oh wait. That isn’t what you want, either. 'Cause the outrage over them in cages when Trump was president.


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24/7 for profit news media and the For Profit Political ideology sowed the dumbing down of the american conseravtive.

I support putting the sanctuary seekers in the sanctuary areas while they wait for their amnesty.

Share the love.


I’m a liberal.

Interesting term, where’d you get it?

According to Biden & Harris it is. According to DeSantis, it isn’t okay for them to be in Florida. That’s where his authority begins and ends.


Seems like more education they receive the dumber they get. :wink:


If they were legit asylum seekers they’d have stoped in one of those other countries before they got here…despite what the kook fringe smart guy left is trying to claim.

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I want people not to get their jollies from stupid politcal stunts like sending migrants to MV.

I’ve said a number of times, I undersatnd the problem of towns getting filled up and needing to move migrants around.

Moving them to MV is idiotic. There are a million better places. coordinate with one of them so they know what is coming, and move them around.

All this idiocy did was highlight the good works of the local MV government and church in stepping up to accommodate these people in the middle of the night.

It’s just stupid.

Nothing about a call to ICE before supporting sanctuary cities

Again you sound really mad…why?


Do you support sanctuary cities?

Dunno. Been using it here for years.