Gov. Ron DeSantis Sends Two Planes of Illegal Aliens to Martha's Vineyard

Why are YOU upset?


He did turn them over, to where all the bureaucrats hang out.

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Apparently, it is.


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I’m not upset. I’m wondering why conservatives are cheering Desantis for shielding illegal criminals?

Not to ICE. He shielded them via sanctuary cities that he allegedly doesn’t support.

He didn’t shield them. He deported them :+1:


Matha’s Vineyard is like 97% white. DeSantis is running a DEI program!

Average sary is $130k. Good place to improve their lot in vida.


To a sanctuary city, instead of ICE.

Do you know what sanctuary cities are for?

Who’s shielding them?

Moments later she emphasized the importance of a pathway to citizenship for those who have entered the country illegally – noting that it would be for “millions of people.”

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ICE didn’t answer the phone, so he gave them sanctuary.

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Give ‘em a couple of days, they’ll fall in love with Marthie’s Vineyard. Hell, maybe Barack and Big Mike will hire a dozen or so to work around their digs on the Island!
Besides, if Ol Folksy Joes illegal horde of invaders aren’t happy with the free rides, phones, food, money and all the other ■■■■ the taxpayers are footing the bill for, ■■■■ ‘em let ‘em go back to wherever the ■■■■ they came from.


What better place to wait than in sanctuary.

And conservatives who are against sanctuary clapped like the low info seals they have become.

Sad to watch really.

Welp, they aren’t in Florida anymore. :partying_face:

So far Desantis doesn’t support ICE
Does support Sanctuary Cities
Does support DEI
Does support Virtue Signaling

Are we sure he isn’t a lib :rofl:

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He didn’t call.

You sound like it.

MV can take in about 1500 illegal criminals…they have pop of 15 thousand. that’s 10 percent. Texas has pop of 28 mil and they have about 2 and half million illegals.


Reap what you have sown Critprogs


I know. You’d think the libz would be happy that the illegals are happy. They just can’t be happy about anything! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: