Gov. Ron DeSantis Sends Two Planes of Illegal Aliens to Martha's Vineyard

Yup, and you are grasping.

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Play off of people’s insecurities and cruelty for votes? Hell of a vision.

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I’m reminding you of, you. :rofl:

He wouldn’t have to send them anywhere if the current administration had control of the border. Instead they want to punish border patrol agents for doing their job.

Why don’t you address Biden/Harris? They are the cause of this.


And you’re still grasping at what you want to read into what I said.

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Yet he does. And that says a lot about him. Abbott, too. Weak, sad men.

I don’t think he’s interested this go around. We really want him as Gov and can’t wait to see him kick Charlie Crist’s ass in November.

It says a lot about you that you won’t address the root cause of it but would rather attack someone for protecting their state.


This made me laugh. Pure unadulterated bull ■■■■■


I don’t dissolve anyone of their responsibilities. I just happen to be focusing on the two pathetic “leaders” who are ■■■■■■■ around with people’s lives for votes and talking-head praise.

I thought he was going to; then, I thought he wasn’t; now, I think DeSantis is running.

Now you’re making up ■■■■■

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I was trying to remember where I heard of this before in history. This thing where southern states send minorities to northern states in an attempt to embarrass the minorities and embarrass the northern states… then I found it!!

“Reverse Freedom Rides”

“We know you will protect their civil rights and give them equal employment opportunities”

I wonder if Abbott and Desantis studied this playbook.

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Romney…is that you?

Nice memory…

How many Americans have buried family members because of the fentanyl crossing the border?

How many women incentivized to cross that border have been raped and sold into slavery by the cartels.

How many migrants have drowned, been suffocated in the back of some tractor trailer…Ranchers in south texas have found dead or nearly dead children on their property…

All because the Biden administration thru the southern border wide open.

Save us the speeches if you people cared you wouldn’t have voted for the Biden border nightmare in the first place…and you wouldn’t be defending it and deflecting blame now.

What the hell did you think would happen when clueless Joe said Americans could easily absorb 2 million migrants a year…cause this garbage is the result.


Oh stop whining.

And you think that isn’t what Biden/Harris are doing? What do you think Biden/Harris should be doing so people like DeSantis don’t have to deport illegals to a state that welcomes them with open arms?

Isn’t that better than being where they aren’t wanted?


“I would love Martha’s Vineyard to become a haven for new immigrants to this country” - Keith Chatinover, a progressive county commissioner for Dukes County, Mass., where Martha’s Vineyard is located


No I am not.

Desantis supports sanctuary cities now. Otherwise why would he seek to increase the amount of immigrants they shield?

He virtue signaled by publicly announcing what he was doing to seem virtuous to conservatives.

@WuWei claims it is a DEI initiative.

Desantis doesn’t support ICE because he chose not to hand over illegal criminals to them.

It’s really that simple.

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