GOP worries it’s losing impeachment fight

He has an entire DOJ and plenty of federal laws he can use to prosecute Biden. Why has he not done that?

Everyone knows that Donald Trump can’t trust the COJ, so he had to go to Ukraine to do an impartial investigation.

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I haven’t heard any condemnation of Biden from you…regarding this? Why is that? :thinking:

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What is there to condemn? Wild conspiracy theories?

That was very revealing. Thanks. I thought as much.

Revealing of what? I thought one was innocent until proven guilty…

They are…and that’s where the investigation comes in. In what country did the alleged crime take place? What country would best be able to help with this investigation to determine guilt?

We conduct FARA investigations all the time with foreign countries… If the Biden’s violated US law wouldn’t you want them prosecuted in the US?

If you gather information in one country, are you then limited to prosecuting that individual in just that country?

Do you realize that the guy Biden got fired had ALREADY COMPLETED his investigation of Burisma and found there was no evidence of corruption, and closed the case.

Then, the guy who replaced the guy Biden got fired - who said his son’s company was NOT CORRUPT - re-opened the case and looked into it again.

So, if Bidens goal was to protect his son’s company, why would he get a guy fired who said they did nothing wrong, and have him replaced with someone who re-opened the investigation?

Why hasn’t trump withheld aid - or troops! - from Saudi Arabia until they get to the bottom of Kasogi’s murder? What, with trump being so worried about corruption in other countries…

Or any other country with give aid to - Since he cares so much about corruption, I’m sure there must be dozens of examples.

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You have a lot of room to talk with your constantly shifting FISA declass day

Yet, there’s this oooonnnnneeee instance, a speculation about a single person who happens to be a political rival, that holds his persistent attention and the focus of an entire unofficial foreign policy apparatus led by his personal attorney, of all folks.

Nothing to see here.

^ Cannot answer the question. Will not answer the question.

By January 14th 2020

Republicans don’t do that sort of political game.
This last gimmick will die a slow death and Democrats will have to try to find a way to gradually get out of it without too much embarrassment…just like the Russia collusion conspiracy theory thing.

Fat donald might cut a deal with congress and resign. It’s his best chance for not going to jail after he gets his ass kicked in 2020.

I hope that AG Barr starts another investigation into Benghazi so that the criminal will finally face justice. It would be a good way to get people to stop talking about this impeachment hoax.

Not this much no, while there was some erroneous behavior in impeachment talks the overwhelming majority in the house and senate accepted that Obama won the election and was not some stooge of Putin. If the democrats felt they could easily beat him they would quit waiting around and vote for an impeachment or try to beat him in November.

As some have previously noted the desperation of some of Trump 's acolytes is palpable.