GOP worries it’s losing impeachment fight

Not this much no, while there was some erroneous behavior in impeachment talks the overwhelming majority in the house and senate accepted that Obama won the election and was not some stooge of Putin. If the democrats felt they could easily beat him they would quit waiting around and vote for an impeachment or try to beat him in November.

As some have previously noted the desperation of some of Trump 's acolytes is palpable.

Yeah, they’re totally not concerned.

I have a better question. Why doesn’t Trump want anyone except Biden investigated? (As far as we know - that will doubtless change as Warren moves into the lead.)


That ■■■■ is just embarrassing.


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You know when Trump screws up because every time he opens his mouth it is to try to convince everyone that the sky isn’t blue. “Perfect Call” should be be basis for a new drinking game for those who want to be under the table in record time.

“I’ve done nothing wrong…”

Yes, that why you’ve been so forthcoming about allowing witnesses to testify and proving requested documents…

Statement right out of 2017 and the Russian collusion conspiracy theory investigations.

Democrats can put on a good show when they have secret meetings and cherry picked information let out. Eventually this will be tried publicly in the Senate. That is where people will become familiar with the issues and make their determination of whether this is a something or a nothing.
Either that, or the Democrats will have to slink away the way they had to from the Russian collusion conspiracy theory…and that won’t be a good look for them.

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They don’t understand if you cry would long enough people quit listening. And they have been crying would since the day after the election.

It’s your contention that had Obama been caught withholding foreign aid to investigate a political rival that the GOP wouldn’t have conducted an inquiry?


What a great patriot. :roll_eyes:

Maybe this idiot should testify.

Another great patriot. :roll_eyes:

You keep repeating that the Prosecutor the Obama Administration wanted fired was investigating Hunter Biden. This statement is false. Shokin was not investigating Burisma or Hunter Biden and the Ukrainians have said Hunter Biden did nothing illegal in Ukraine. However, repeating this falsehood is a key to defending Trump’s abuse of power so I am certain you will continue to repeat it many times in the coming weeks.


Oh, well that’s certainly grounds for a bid protest.

Amazon’s lawyers have got to be happy.

Can you tell us what meetings were secret? All of the Impeachment Inquiry meetings were announced and had Republican attendees, who were given time to question witnesses. So which “secret” meetings are you referring to and how di you find out about them?

This is how they did it with Nixon and clinton.
They rewrote the rules in 2015 but you still blame the dems lol…you ignore these facts for debunked garbage as usual. You think it worked with Mueller so it will work here.

The Mueller campaign contacted 13 foreign nations in their investigation of the Trump campaign. Nobody seemed so upset then.

Seems illegal