GOP primary challenger: Trump is a 'one-man crime wave'

How many NYC dems are calling assylum seekers murders, rapists, drug dealers, etc?

How many NYC dems have proposed economy deflating tariffs recklessly?

How many NYC dems have proposed tax breaks that disproportionately help the most wealthy amongst them?

How many NYC dems have advocated intentionally antagonizing nuclear weapons developers thinking they are going to intimidate them?

How many NYC dems are pathological liars who couldnt tell the truth to save their daughter’s lives… well ok maybe you might have something there :blush:

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Bingo, Trump is no dem he is CEC talking points incarnate, he is what so called conservatives have dreamed over and what they wish they were…a rich “business man” with no class or regard for others

The whole character thing is long dead in conservatives, they see it as a burden


Republicans, not conservatives.

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So Trump supporters are not conservatives?

I guess we can agree on that one, thats why I refer to them as so called…

Whether it’s intellectualism, morality, the GOP, or the USA entire - we all know what Donald is.

Thinking is a liberal disorder.

I would date say you cant say a person can be a charicture of an entire group of people if they are only of themselves, that doesnt make much sense man.




a picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.

I know what the definition is. You said he was that of a NYC dem, when in fact he only describes himself and practically no one else much less a whole group.

You took a misstep on this one. Its okay i wont hold it against you.

NOT exonerated.


Meuller didn’t prove a negative that wasn’t his job to try and prove to begin with? Shocking.

Eleven instances where underlings refused to follow his orders to obstruct justice and people think he is innocent.

That’s one of the most disingenuous developments in presidential politics in American history.


We need a president who doesn’t need a babysitter.

Mueller gathered evidence and made no determination on obstruction…

It’s not just Trump who went from a victory lap to total meltdown. Check out Trump’s most ardent supporters around the Internet. They are freaking the ■■■■ out. Heck, just read posts here.

it’s funny that the party of Law & Order is the only party that can stop the “one man crime wave” and that party is filled with Christians and those who preach country and honor & integrity.

they just can’t stand up and do the right thing. they’ve been fakes for at least 40 years.

Yes, it took him eight hours to finish a sentence on Twitter after calling parts of the Mueller Report ■■■■■■■■■ Total meltdown.

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Chump. Haha, I love it!

How DARE anyone contest the almighty King Trump!

It’s gonna get way worse.