GOP on Ukraine War

Umm, what do you think we have been doing all these years?

no, you’re refusing, steadfastly, for as long as it takes.

putin isn’t crazy

your answer is ignorant, devoid of reality

Trump says give peace a chance.

Focus on peace not more weapons.

If we have to sell weapons shut up about it. Biden surrogates are boasting about it. Bad form.

Trump Calls for ‘Peace Without Delay’ in Ukraine, Ending the ‘Entire Globalist Neo-Con Establishment’ Trump Calls for Peace in Ukraine, Ending 'Neo-Con Establishment'

Trump will be the next President if nothing changes.

I’m asking and you aren’t answering. Wonder why?

You trust Putin. How sweet.

What about the rest of them?

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OUCH! #thatstung!

Great. * * * *

The self fulfilling prophecy of the inept Brandon leadership.

It has to be this way.

Why can’t they shut up about the support given the Ukes.

That is the bigger problem. Cost us a drone.

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I not so sure about that. Biden got the votes that he got simply due to the hatred a lot of voters have toward Trump. Until I hear the anti-Trump voter from 2020 start saying they are just not going to vote I don’t think Trump will win a general election.

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If one’s goal is to finish destroying the country then Brandon is a good vote i suppose. :roll_eyes:

A sensible person would vote for most anybody against the corrupt and incompetent Biden family.

I might add hatred is a bad thing and only destroys the haters in the end.


Cool. Maybe he can convince Putin of this.

I don’t disagree. But there have been quite a few in the MAGA base who have hated on Liberals since Obama was elected. We even have people here who freely admit they voted for Trump simply to trigger Liberals.

Yup. The whole “hatred leads to the dark side” shtick, coming from the right in general, and MAGA in particular, is ridiculous.

Most of the haters out there seem to be on the left. I give you antifa, blm, and woke libs in general.

I haven’t run into many “maga” folks who are haters.

Most are happy people who want the best for the country. I went to one rally for examle and the folks were standing in a line a mile long chatting, laughing, and having a good time. Leftists on the other hand were driving by giving us the finger and yelling the F word at us.

A vote for Biden is a vote to finish destroying the country.

A vote to move us toward becoming Venezuela.

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I can’t agree with that. It’s very easy to go to any right wing website and find haters of the left. It’s easy to be happy go lucky when you are in a big group of like minded individuals. I tend to hang around other people who have political differences but are still capable of being friends with one another.

All you have to do to avoid a second Biden term is nominate someone other than Trump. But it looks like you’re going to nominate Trump, and then we’ll have Biden for four more years.

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Liberal neocon war machine.

That’s why whoever runs the white house escalated in Syria almost as soon as they got into power.

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The Trump years were much better than the Biden years. Except on fake news and in congress.


The hatred was generated by 24/7 lies on the MSM demonising Trump and danctifying Xiden.

The MSM are rapidly losing credibility as their lies are being exposed, and Trump is being proved having been correct in many of his policies and administrative decisions,

So the hatred factor may work more against dems next time round.