GOP leaders: We're not inviting Putin to address Congress

The only person who claims the is trump, and he lies about everything.

:sparkler: :sparkler: :sparkler:

Now Ish is right about other nations trying to ctively influence our elections…as usual he doesn’t include enough context, but that doesn’t make him wrong.



Nerve gas…

Ishmael will follow Trump to the death. Online, of course.


Looks liike Trey Gowdy is getting grumpy about a possible Trump Putin summit at the White House too…

House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy chastised Donald Trump for inviting Russian President Vladimir Putin to Washington, saying Sunday that some members of the president’s administration should consider quitting if Trump won’t listen to their advice.

“The fact that we have to talk to you about Syria or other matters is very different from issuing an invitation,” Gowdy said on “Fox News Sunday” of the Putin invitation, which the White House confirmed last week would be extended for the fall. “Those should be reserved for, I think, our allies.”

Hmmm… And yet Trump supporters can’t get themselves to say its a crazy idea…

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They’re completely incapable of criticizing him in any way, shape or form.

Exactly what I was thinking…he’ll tweet-whine and they’ll cave.

I think all the Trumplicans should call their Senators and Congressperson and demand that Poots be invited to address Congress.

The Deep State obviously wants a nuclear holocaust. We should do whatever Putin wants.

Remember when libs knew they had Trump because he was in cahoots with Gadaffi in 2009?

Remember when Libs knew they had Trump because he said the word ■■■■■■

Remember when Libs knew they had Trump because some people didn’t like his Trump University?

Remember when libs knew they had Trump because he had sex with stripper?

Remember when Libs knew they had Trump because of emoluments something something.

Remember when libs knew they had Trump because he said “my African American” ?

Remember when libs knew they had Trump because …

Where we disagree is that I don’t see President Trump “appeasing” President Putin. President Trump appears to see Mr. Putin as someone he does have to work with on the world stage. So, he goes to work.

Did Trump have to appease Putin in order to work with him?