GOP leaders: We're not inviting Putin to address Congress

Do you think the House and Senate GOP are wrong to oppose inviting Putin to the White House?

Remember when you pledged a blood oath to Trump?

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He probably doesn’t. Given that its Trump, the asking amount was probably enough to render him unconscious during the event…

No. But I do remember this.

Do you think it would be a good idea for Putin to address a joint session of Congress?

I do not see anything wrong with the invitation. If Congress wants to recommend that it not happen, I don’t see anything wrong with that. People have good reasons for supporting the invitation; others have good reason for not. The President can listen to each, but in the end it is his house and his invitation. From that point, I’ll watch and see what happens.

If libs don’t like it, he likes it. It’s the totality of their game.

You don’t really say your point of view anywhere in that post. Do you support the invitation or not? Personally do you think it’s a good idea?

A one sided address is not in our interest… even though the New York Times may think so.

But a message of some sort -written, spoken, pantomimed - followed by a congressional leadership response might have some value. Or maybe the reverse… first Congress sends Putin its message and then, while here, Putin answers.

And then, a reciprocal dialog… Trump and Russia’s legislative body should follow.

Whats it mean when people on his own side of the aisle don’t like it either?

Yeah, that’s YOU but towards Trump. Or are you too partisan to see it?

The dialogue you speak of has already begun. Putin strongly denied meddling in the election. Congress has stated that he did. Until he comes clean about his involvement, there is no more dialogue. It should be a precondition.

Ummm… you are obsessed. I figured that issue would be one of the smaller items covered. We all do it. And we all know the other guy does it. Only people like you don’t and have fallen under the spell of wackos like Maxine waters and Rachael maddow.

There are other more important -real - issues to discuss.

Sounds like you have moved on from alternative facts to alternative reality.

No buddy. You just drink your own vomit.

Something you should know about me: I’ve moved around quite a bit. I also substitute teach. Rules that one town (or classroom) insists is the not only the best way of doing something–but the only way of doing something are quickly proven wrong when the next town (or classroom) says the exact opposite is not only the best way of doing something, but the only way.

Consequently, I know there are many ways of doing something and that each way works out fine. Do I have preferences that suit my personality better? Of course, but then I don’t always need to suit my personality either. If the President, like me, is comfortable going into any situation despite what other think the “rules” are, then I say, more power to him.

Personally, I am comfortable with either option, but that’s just me, based upon my own experiences. By the way…just as I don’t get to choose my students (or often the class), the President did not get to choose who was President of Russia. You play the hand you are dealt. Some of us are dealt a different hand each day. Keeps us on our toes.

Then here is the question: What does President Putin mean by “meddling?” What does the Congress mean by “meddling?”

I would ask Mr. Putin: Were you/Russia gathering intel in America on American candidates and parties during the 2016 election cycle? Did you intelligence agencies pick up ANYTHING, either intentionally or unintentionally? My follow-up question would be, “Did you leak any truths found in this gathering process back out into the public?” And, "What do you believe rises to the level of meddling?

The same type of questions can go before Congress: Do you consider gathering information on our candidates and on our parties “meddling”? Do you consider any gathered truths leaked out into the public square “meddling”? What do you believe rises to the level of meddling?

I am simply curious how similar or dissimilar responses to these questions might be.

Hey, who among hasn’t called up a limo driver for a little late-night jack and coke?? Am I right??

(raises hand)

Only in trumpland is our country getting attacked by an adversary a non-important issue.

Pssssst. China attacked the US when they hacked the OPM. Russia and everyone else might have dipped into the DNC. But the DNC is not part of our government.