GOP leaders: We're not inviting Putin to address Congress

You wish.
Just like in 2016, I will crawl on broken glass if I have to just to get to the polling booth.

Oh, after all this madness coming from the executive branch (and the upcoming investigation results), I’m sure a ton of people will be doing the same.

Just like in 2016. Yep.
You own the madness.

Yes, people other than Trump own his madness.

He, and you, better pray he wins another electoral victory. There’s gonna be a bigger turnout and many more young people will then able to vote.

But he’s been so good to the Rust Belt maybe they’ll fall for it again. Could be another popular vote loss / electoral win.

I love that Russia is actively hacking our 2018 election, attacked our electoral process in 2016- and we’re like- hey you should come on over and stay in the Lincoln bedroom…It’ll be super fun. Oh and I know- lets create a joint Cyber Security Group cuz…Ha ha ha ha ha!

Maybe I know something you don’t.

How to be cryptic?

I will believe it when it really doesn’t happen!

If they stick to their word I will be the first to give them mega kudos for doing good!

I’m seeing cracks with the GOP Senate starting to break ranks with the Prez. That 98-0 vote was big. Hell even today Marco Rubio blasted the President (and his minions) for trying to pretend Carter Page was falsely being watched…

“I don’t think they did anything wrong,” Rubio said of the FBI efforts. “I think they went to the court. They got the judges to approve it. They laid out all the information ― and there was a lot of reasons… for why they wanted to look at Carter Page.

Does that make it ok…then to have a president capitulate to him the way Trump or Obama have.

Not really… you have been told that other countries do it too. I’m not even going to bother posting representatives from the Intel community saying the same.

You don’t know this because your brain cannot process it without going


Are you referring to Crimea?

So will the rest of us. But I bet we cancel each other out.

Proving once again you have no sense of morality or propriety, and are just a mindless partisan.

That’s the White House. Who we bring there tells the world who we respect. So you respect a murderer…got it.

Did you vote the New York Times into the White House?

Name other countries that do all the things that Putin’s Russia has done.

Not just the election influencing…ALL the things…among them:

Assassinating “enemies” on foreign soil
Invading other countries and/or attempting to destabilize them
Using Western intelligence and law enforcement agencies to track down and harrass personal enemies.

Partisan? I’m a Democrat.
Switched earlier this year.

Womp womp. Try again.

I’m guessing China and NK might but just a guess

Sure. So you are saying that we should welcome Russian interference in our election as standard operating procedure. No need for repercussions, sanctions, etc. In fact a good response to those attacks are to invite Putin to stay in the Lincoln bedroom. Sure sure.

Trump is like the toddler in daycare that constantly screams and cries and gets all the attention. People like Rubio and Dem politicians just can’t keep up with his volume so they get drown out.