Good News? Crime down in 2023

They expect us to believe with roll back of policing, releasing prisoners, not prosecuting criminals and bringing in 10 million unknowns actually lowered crime rate. That’s what libs here and NYSlime wants us to believe when we know for fact since 2020 they change data base and that about 1/3 of police department isn’t recording those crimes. And that’s not counting what you said…people had giving up when they’re victimized.

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If you stop testing, the numbers will go down.


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This is false.

Some police departments aren’t reporting to the new fbi database. That doesn’t mean those departments aren’t tracking the data on their own.

How many instances of this throughout the country?

Whatever helps you sleep at night…

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Funny that…NYC is one of those cities that doesn’t report there crime statistics.


They cite to data. 2023 data. It’s December 29th

Mass counter protest crimes are higher under Republican regimes because liberals believe crime and protesting are one and the same. They commit crime just because a republican is in office as president. Better be careful, if Trumps elected there may be a lot of protestors arrested and charged with insurrection if incidents like the Wisconsin capitol building occur again.

Of course they do

There is a locked thread here that discussed them at length and in depth

Where is your aggregate data that tells a different story?

By sheer coincidence, I am watching Hannity as I type. I literally turned it on during the last twelve minutes of the show and the story being reported was the skyrocketing crime rate in DC as reported by the DC papers. Apparently the rising crime rate is the reason the two sports teams in DC are moving to a new arena in northern VA. But no, the NY Times says crime is going down… Of course it is.

As to your question about lowering the shoplifting threshold,??? The threshold is not the problem. The problem is creating a sufficient deterrent, to make the penalty for shoplifting more harsh than the potential payoff. For example: how about if the thief is taken out to a public place and having a hand hacked off with a sword? Maybe this could be a televised event from a few big cities. I’ll bet you that after night three and several thousand hands, shoplifting will stop virtually overnight across the country. OR, we could just keep using the Lib approach which is to keep raising the dollar threshold to such a point that shoplifting isn’t a crime at all!! Let’s just say that as long as someone doesn’t walk out of any business with more than a million dollars in merchandise, it’s not a reportable event mkay… Let’s take a forum vote as to which approach would actually reduce the number of shoplifters. :thinking:

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That’s nice.

The story in this thread is that crime is down in the US. It doesn’t break it down by state/city.

Name one politician that would implement this anywhere

Show me a state with a lower threshold for felon shoplifting and let’s see their per capita numbers. I wonder if having a lower threshold results in lower shoplifting rates.

I suspect it makes no difference

Very good news that overall crime is down; regrettably my city bucked the trend.

For reference… Mississippi’s threshold for felony shoplifting is $1000. Shoplifting is probably rampant there huh?

Edit: South Dakota is also $1000
Texas is $2500!!! @WuWei Whats going on here?!

Since Libs have been in power, criminals have gotten used to the idea that they can do whatever the hell they want, whenever the hell they want and to whomever the hell they want, and you Libs will immediately declare them the victims and arrest anyone who dares to defend themselves. There’s a popular saying " actions speak louder than words". It doesn’t matter what Libs say, they only empathize with criminals and don’t believe in the rule of law anyway. Until the public gets fed up with this arrangement and votes every single Lib out of every single office in the country, you guys will do everything in your power to sow fear, discord, crime and anarchy you can because that’s what keeps your guys in power. Personally, I have no sympathy for New Yorkers, or Los Angeles, Chicago or anywhere else Libs rule. If people vote for idiots, they get what they deserve. What I have a problem with is that Libs control the public schools and the media, which are producing idiots and keeping them idiots. BUT, the out of control crime rate which your side is lying about is waking the people up. This is why Biden is suddenly starting to feign concern over the illegal problem. Too little, too late I believe. As I said, you guys need to get your cheating all lined up or it’s going to be a tough year for you leading into November.


What’s the real rate? Where is your aggregate data that tells a different story?

The authors conclude that crime patterns continue to shift as the nation has emerged from the COVID pandemic and that policymakers and communities must act urgently to adapt their strategies to meet the new challenges. Though the level of serious violent crime is far below historical peaks, it remains intolerably high, especially in poorer communities of color. Research has identified strategies that work to reduce violence and improve the fairness and effectiveness of policing. Intensive efforts on both fronts are essential to help cities achieve lasting reductions in homicide and other crime.

Crime is up.
What you see is a temporrary decline in one area…maybe.
A mirage. Propaganda.
Just like ‘The Inflation is going down’… yet you go out and everywhere you pay more and more for stuff.
Price of eggs dropped from the ridiculous high they kept for 2 y.
Nothing else is cheaper. My Insurance is still going up every 6 months 20-30 % for no reason, same car, not even a traffic ticket in the last 45 y. I drive 3000 miles a year on average.
Maybe Las Vegas is an exeption because everything is delivered here.
But ask people here…there is NO “great Economy” and end to Inflation in sight.

That’s weird. Are these guys lying too

Another example of showing crime trending down

It’s all fake! :blush:


Crime must be up because it just has to be. :joy: