Good News? Crime down in 2023

Maybe crooks can’t afford the bus fare because of Inflation so they stay put.

Crime is down because the crooks are not prosecuted, not even arrested.
To believe everyone is suddenly living in peace and harmony is a joke.
The Illegals alone resort to crime which is not even on the books.
Crime is ‘down’ because jails are full.
I know crime is up because in the 70s I didn’t have a key to my house in the country.
Look up car-jacking and thefts, in CA robberies unded 499 dollars are not even prosecuted.
People/victims are told ‘The shmuck needed it more than you do’.

Then why is business closing down?

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Business closed down? Weird. All business? Feel like I would have heard about that.

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The levels are still too high, wouldn’t you agree?

If you have high blood pressure but your pressure goes down are you not still in danger if your blood pressure is still too high?

I suspect some of these numbers are under reported. For example, look at the drug offences. If that were realistic and reported correctly, why do we have such an issue with Fentanyl overdoses/deaths?

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I must have nissed the word “all” in wu wei’s post you decided to reply to.

I guess in your world unless “all” businesses close, it’s not that bad.

Again not all cities are reporting all crimes.

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No. Gaslighting how the numbers are defined.

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Why is car theft up?

Bad credit?

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Quite often stolen cars are used in other crimes.

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Yeah that’s def part of it. It probably doubles up the stat

The NYT article says “Murder is down” not crime.

I can’t get past the paywall, so the headline is all i have to go on. If it also notes that crime across the board is down, please quote it or cite another source that we can read without subscribing.

Better yet, where is the data saying crime is down? Murder is but one crime of many.

Get a room. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aggregate data… That’s funny. What tells a different story is what I’ve been seeing on the news. When the left wing main stream “news” channels start reporting stories of pissed off New Yorkers and Chicago residents being fed up with crime and illegals it’s a sure sign the apocalypse is coming for Democrats in 24. The media has been covering for Bidens incompetence and senility and hiding Kamala Harris’ stupidity since they were elevated to the ballot. Now that’s impossible. The entire world has seen what clowns those two are and the results of their policies can not be hidden. Americans are seeing and feeling the damage that this administration has caused. The powers behind Biden would love to see the idiot step aside voluntarily, but even if Biden would Harris won’t, and to force them out would be a repudiation of everything Democrats have been lying about since Biden was installed. This is why the cases against Hunter Biden are being allowed to proceed. Once Hunter is convicted papa Joe will have to pardon him, and once Joe does that he’ll know his political career is over. A plausible reason to take him that stupid clown VP off the ballot and in steps Gavin to fill the void.

It doesn’t matter what is or isn’t reported by any government or law enforcement agency. When the main stream media starts reporting truth, it’s a certainty things are far worse.

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Depends on the type of crime reported. This story references AH Datalytics examining FBI’s data from 2022. According to the FBI’s CDE Violent Crime, Homicide, Aggravated Assault, and Rape are down in 2022. Robbery, Burglary, Larceny, and Motor Vehicle Theft are up. Drug data is listed separately, but shows a drop in crime where drugs were involved as well.

Detroit is an interesting case study on crime reduction. Our murder rate is the lowest it has been in 60 years. Why? Well, we concentrated on reducing the number of outstanding warrants and locked those people up. We reduced the number of pending Felony gun cases on the backlog as well. Got em in front of a Judge and got them off the street.

I guess that could be Liberal propaganda though, considering the source…