Good Lord. Beta for TX Gov?

Beto is quite a joke. that’s for sure

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That’s simply one of the most childish sentences in the history of this forum.


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ah i ‘member now. lol what an idiot

It is almost insane how prevalent the White Replacement talking point has become among some people.

He’s not as bad as Abortion Barbie


If they are talking about “white”, that’s simple-minded.

Liberal replacement is accurate.

We have a system in this country that allows for people to immigrate legally. I believe the numbers are somewhere between 800000 and a million new citizens a year become new citizens the right way.

Scroll up and look at the photos of 10000 or more people camped under that bridge in Del Rio…check out that reality that more illegals have entered this country since January 20 than the populations of a few of our smaller states…Biden has flooded our southern border. Drug dealers, the cartels, human trafficking, now control that border.

Your post is a juvenile attempt to play the RACIST card because anyone who disagrees with lefties is obviously a RACIST!!!

There’s a right way and a wrong way to become a citizen of this country. I ve had the pleasure of attending one such ceremony where people
From all over the world became American citizens and it was beautiful.

Personally I m sick and tired of you smartest guys in the room ascribing racism as the motive for everything when the people you are accusing of racism are far from it. A sovereign nation needs secure borders. This idiot you voted for in the White House has given us exactly the opposite.


bravo thanks

then they have the nerve to whine about “talking points”


They are deporting the Haitians. You know that… right?

Is this an oxymoron…or just moronic? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

I m sick of it.

“Scary brown people”…wrote a smart guy in the room lefty. “The white replacement talking point” wrote the next one…

Meanwhile our southern border is in crisis and the administration those people voted for that caused that crisis by executive order has done nothing to solve said crisis…

But somewhere in the middle of a $3.5 trillion dollar “infrastructure” bill is an attempt to ram through citizenship…

You can’t make this garbage up.


i dont remember much about her. she must be pretty bad

This is a theory so dumb that it could only come from Pennsyltucky.

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The idea that immigrants are allowed to “flood” or “invade” the country from third world countries in order to win elections is straight up White Replacement.

In reality the Haitians are being deported.

Cool…they never should have thought they would be allowed into the country in the first place. I ll believe it when I see it. Biden has lied about and mismanaged everything he has touched.

What’s the clown you voted for going to do about the other million plus?

Biden should be impeached for his ignorance of the law and mismanagement of that border.

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Wore sneakers.

1,000 in, 150 out.


oh the pink sneakers. yeah she was a dingbat. and a darling of course of the brainless media.

“wendy davis”

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…and they are still coming.

This is why Biden should never have changed the border policy until everyone in US and Mexico was vaccinated…and now Haiti.

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