Good Lord. Beta for TX Gov?

The return of flappy bird.

Doesn’t this guy have anything better to do beside waste tens of millions of other people’s money?


does any politician?

i’m skeptical of this poll

but i am of all polls

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flappy bird?

Abbott’s problems started when he let his AG move forward with the stupid SCOTUS election legal action.
Then when the February storms shut down power to a lot of folks, he made some stupid excuses and got blasted for them. And on the voter and abortion bills and it all adds up.

the voter and abortion bills are represented by the TX legislature too. not just Babbot

Which is true. When I moved to Austin from the Bay |Area in the late 1980’s Texas was run by Democrats.
And Ann Richards did a lot to bring technology companies here. But she made a huge mistake by underestimating G.W. Bush and Karl Rove. And the state flipped. However it has been turning purple in the last couple of elections and there are indications that it could turn blue in a couple more general election cycles.


Yabut, they still need to reapportion. Abbot will be fine.

Gerrymandering could get interesting. IMHO I think that the Republicans are going to go all out. Which might lead to quite a few court battles. But don’t be surprised that beyond that, some Republicans lose their seats because of the voter bills that they have done.

I personally think that Covidiocy coupled with SB 8 will reverberate across the country to the R’s regret, but we’ll see.

Older mothers get just as many abortions as teenagers, and it’s not just Democrats. Of course they can afford to go to other states. Republicans are pro-life unless it affects them.

No need to make up things that are not true. You have no idea what pro life woman have done.


it’s turning purple because the bordering counties are turning blue, and that’s because…well…


This is the Democrats way of turning Texas blue…import as many illegals as possible which they have done and give em citizenship which they are trying to do.

It ain’t that hard.


He gave Cruz a pretty good contest.

Could be interesting.

Better he run than the D find someone with actual appeal.

it’s becoming like PA. a hard red state with a great big blue city and one smaller one. influx of NY puerto ricans bluing things up too in northeast, Hazelton

states dont turn blue because of transitioning of ideas. they turn blue due to massive illegal migration

and now the us mail


Yeah because those are the only girls that get abortions.

Young conservative girls are just so proper and would never do anything like that.


Scary brown people are ruining the American Way!

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That is so petty and sophomoric.


Isn’t it cool, that when things in the nation are a little tense, comedy comes to relieve the stress. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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