Good Lord. Beta for TX Gov?

well they are surely flooding in, seemingly by design

should a country have tight borders or not?

Designed by who?

That’s just what the US needs.

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by the anti-American democrats

please answer my question

Biden is using the same legal reasoning surrounding the pandemic that Trump used to deport people.

The same Democrat President who is deporting them?

please answer my question


It is economic exploitation…not race based…economic based.

Good luck with that!


That makes sense when we see how poorly his team performs is in applying it.

Might want to kick up that wall construction a level or two.

That I can see.

If they are coming here for jobs and people knowingly hire illegal labor, seize their property and throw them into jail while deporting the illegal labor.

Get it from both sides.

Where the Haitians crossed… where could a wall be placed?

looks like i’m gonna need it

Abbott sitting at 45% approval.



Voter replacement.

It’s the same thing they did in the 1850s. Not new.

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that’s not good for re election.


sorry to pull teeth, but are you saying beto will win?

:rofl: Do you know why?

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If he goes against Abbott . Yes. Of course getting there is half the battle.
