Going to be some interesting confirmation hearings

When that itself becomes problematic because we are not a command economy and the supply chains that have been built with China as a central part of it took decades to develop, one must pursue other means of protecting oneself.

And the crazy thing is libs want those things. :crazy_face:

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And that is what must be decoupled, for essentials impacting national security.

I don’t care if your tv stand and sneakers are made in China. That’s your moral dilemma.

I do care if medical supplies needed during a national emergency are made in China. Especially now that they cut us off when we needed them most.

Decoupling is about not being reliant on an undependable source.

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Biden is going to do just as the Chinese tell him to do because China owns the Biden family.


we are hooked in, have been since 1945. That has no changed. We helped China grow as a counter to Soviet expansionism. We didn’t stop when the Soviets fell. We should have. Everything Trump gas done in relation to China should have been done 30 years ago.


True. And Nixon and Kissinger kicked it into overdrive.

Exactly. America will be put last now just like the Obama years and especially as regards china interests.

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We’ve spent 40 years doing whats best for China thinking its whats best for America. We were wrong. Now we’re going to go back to whats best for China thinking it will be best for America led by an idiot who thinks China can’t compete with us.

To compete we need to completely revamp the tax code making us “manufacturing friendly”. Biden will do the opposite. The best solution on the tax side is to do away with our current system and move to an APTT, which is truly the only free market tax system there is. We need to rethink our fiscal policy, tying money supply to GNP to create an ultra stable dollar (reinforcing its use as the worlds reserve currency). We absolutely need to remain energy independent (kiss that goodbye). We need to keep tangential political issues out of trade policy (forget that). We need a regulatory sytem that doesn’t punish small business and only giant multinationals can afford (not gonna happen under Biden). And, we need to stop all the “justice” crap and enhance liberty. Liberty is the answer, the American people will find the answer, the government won’t.

there was a reason to triangulate with China then, that reason disappeared in 1991.

You think tax code can offset labor costs? I don’t think it will.

There was a complete ignoring of long term consequences.

it doesn’t need to. Think about what you can do with your whole check instead of 60%-70% of it

What about the employers?

same thing, under APTT there is no income tax, no sales tax, no subsidies, no penalties for “bad” businesses

Labor is 80% of my manufacturing costs
Materials is 10%
Logistics 1%
Taxes are 9%

If my labor costs are going to go up 200% by moving my manufacturing back here, how do I offset that increase?

You want to change that on APTT?

We’ll see at the hearings.

Sounds like you want to get rid of capitalism

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typical COL in the US is around 50% for service businesses which can’t be outsourced. Manufacturing is about 30%. On a cost per unit basis we compete now because of productivity, we have to maintain that.

Taxes aren’t part of the cost of goods calculation. They are a bottom line calculation. You can’t calculate your taxes until you know your profit.


Where are you getting this information? It’s way off for my industry.