God and the Devil

I would have to start with a lie. Not a good way to start. I have studied the bible. Not in a scholarly fashion mind you.

Why? I thought you wanted to study the bible?

Excellent insights as well as knowledge of the Hebrew language, but only if one is interested in knowing God as someone other than a serial killer.

I’m thinking more like mass murderer because of the flood. Not mention all those poor animals.

The last sentence is true. So why do you see things superstitiously? Demon haunted?

The true aspect of reality is the law of cause and effect. The “seeds” and the flower. Linear or Simultaneous Law. It is the WORD.

This is why things happen. It is an inscrutable law, beyond the understanding of beings inhabiting the lower life states.

Think about the black plague. Then think about why God chose to reveal himself to primitive men 2000 years ago, instead of during the black plague to save 100s millions of people.

Do you believe God murdered the 13 people who died in the recent hurricane?

He could have pushed the Hurricane aside and saved those people if He wanted to, right? So, maybe not murder. More like negligent homicide.

The flood apparently was a temper tantrum against people doing what He knew they were going to do any way. Definitely murder.

I don’t see thing superstitiously. But plenty of people live in this demon-haunted world. They believe in ghosts, spirits, bigfoots, fate, destiny, luck, god/s…

People could have evacuated when advised, right?

This is all beside the point. Is the reason you do not believe in God is because of your personal interpretation of the Bible?

Many of those people believed that God would protect them. They were wrong.

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No you see that was a metaphor. All the stories about jesus magic though not metaphor. easIt’s easy. Just pick and choose!

Reptilian Jinn

Let me guess. You’re interpretation is correct. That’s what everyone says.

Who only wants to know God as a serial killer?

God was so much more than just a serial killer. He likes to collect things. He had great taste in music. His business cards are the perfect shade of eggwhite.


Not hard to do for the only entity, supreme being or no, which truly knows the answer to the age old question “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”

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What else do you enjoy telling people about God? What do you admire most about Him?

Why dont we just retranslate the bible then. Get rid of all this Hebrew confusion.

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Which God?

What makes you think whichever God is a “Him”?