Go Woke, Go Broke/Woke Alerts:

I think Disney has been putting out garbage and the culture war is just a convenient thing to blame for you guys.


They have become a content generating treadmill with little care for the quality of the product… only the quantity.

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By the way the numbers fell of a cliff before the partnership. The 2019 and 2020 numbers were abysmal.

That was the Jodie Whitaker doctor.

She had real terrible writing to deal with and a confusing amount of companions to keep track of. They never could work out any real rapport.

It’s a shame… Whitaker is a very good actress and I had high hopes for her tenure as the Doctor

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When libs make an accusation, majority of the time they are self-identifying in the accusation.


It’s telling that every time I ask a conservative when exactly did Disney go “woke” they can never pinpoint anything.

Mulan can be considered woke, as can Princess and the Frog, as can Frozen or Black Panther or or or…

■■■? Wow. Just wow.

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Just another data point in the DIS saga:

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does this qualify as “broke” enough after going tranny woke or nah?

prob has nothing with putting trannies on swimsuit issue covers huh?


You’re right. It probably doesn’t. Magazines are a dead medium.

yeah i figd. except for all the many magazines that still exist and flourish in print and online.

They don’t want you.


They don’t want you taking pictures of people inside the locker room.

invasion of privacy.

i am certain it in the TC of planet fitness.


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I would never go to a gym that allowed biological men in the women’s spaces.


Sure. Without pics it’s like it never happened.

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And that’s what they don’t won’t. They aren’t men, they’re males.

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Or that allowed pictures in said locker room.

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