Global warming pfft part 2

:joy::joy: You don’t even have any idea what level of technology we are trying to catch up to. Sounds like an endless race.

How about we just continue our technology advance as we are?

will Klaatu be wearing a “Biden please let us in” t-shirt?

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I recommend pointing a telescope at the moon if you want to see things moving around that don’t make sense.

“Is it aliens, or dust?” :wink:

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LOL, just what makes you think we can make up thousands or hundreds of thousands of years of technological innovation in even a single lifetime nevermind generations? We can’t even build a friggin nuclear fusion plant worth a damn and that would likely be considered primitive crapola.

We’ve been doing “high tech” for well under a century.

Irrelevant, drop me off in the middle of the ocean and I am not just going to give up and drown, I am going to do whatever I can, no matter the odds, to try and stay alive.

It’s not irrelevant. It is IMPOSSIBLE to make up thousands of years of technological innovation in anybody’s lifetime including the next ten generations to follow. It is a fool’s errand. We are spending a ■■■■ ton of money on R & D now, more than any handful of nations combined, we should just continue to do that.

You wouldn’t have to equal them in all respects. Maybe their risk tolerance is low and they would abandon any plan of conquest if we got far enough to take some of them with us. Or maybe the key to manipulating gravity isn’t that far off.

Meh, I don’t believe they would come here on a quest of conquest anyhow, the ROI is like non existent. What do we have the countless other planets closer to them don’t? I would say nothing. If they come here it will be a friendly visit. Unless of course they want us for food along the way like an interstellar rest stop. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not sure all the other or any large number of them have billions of intelligent potential workers on them. It is futile to try and divine their intent. Since we know virtually nothing about them.

Processed ore.

Doubly weird post. How did you arrive at the conclusion of “belittling” from that statement? Greta’s whole persona is one of throwing hissy fits to get her way. Personally, given her bizarre appearance, I think she may have been a passenger or crew member on one of those UFOs. (There, that was belittling. :wink: )

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Not to them. :wink:

Well, if they came to eat people, we know who to offer up first.


So … you are saying that it is possible that other, extraterrestrial civilizations exist and may be visiting us.

And we shouldn’t be that difficult for an advanced race to find either. Not like we are trying to hide and yes the universe is huge, computers are very good at those kinds of tasks, if they can detect us from thousands of lights out, not difficult at all.

There are thousands of stars within the 100 light years of “here we are!” emanating from Earth. There could be 10’s of thousands of planets.

Seriously. If any extraterrestrial civilization is advance enough to come here, they are advanced enough to know that if they want to have us at their mercy, they would do it now and not wait until we are capable of repelling them. In other words, if their intentions are hostile, we would already be subjugated or destroyed. Where do you think the Spanish and Portuguese who invaded the Americans would have been had they given the Incas and Aztecs time to “catch up”?

Soylent green. :wink:

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We would all be on the menu. Who goes first would be up to their individual tastes. :wink:

If they are far enough ahead that shouldn’t be a concern to them.