Global warming pfft part 2

DARPA? Probably. Just another excuse for needing a planetary government that can override nation states. To go with right wing extremism, global warming, and pandemics.

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Sounds good, maybe I’ll bring some beer. :grinning:

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Weird post. Belittling someone who has nothing to do with your own thread.

Not belittling her, her fit seemed to get results.

More likely it would require much faster than light speed.

Agreed. And any alien civilization that has near light speed and above can easily destroy our planet or any fraction thereof no matter what “defenses” we can build.

Most definitely.

If that’s the case, we should be using every penny we have to catch up.

A century at least balls to the wall.

Catch up to what? Like I said, I doubt any aliens have visited Earth. Why spend money on a phantom menace?

Now where have I heard that before? :rofl:

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Doesn’t matter if they are alien or terrestrial, currently we are at their mercy. That is unacceptable.

Spend the weekend diving through Rogoway’s reporting on the subject for the last few years which recently culminated in this:

Click and read every link within. A day or two should cover it.

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If they are alien they are likely 500 or 1000 or even ten thousand years ahead of us in technology, or a million years, who knows. Nothing we do would make a difference.

From your link:

“Before I move forward, I must state that just because I believe the evidence is compelling that many of the bizarre encounters with mysterious objects in the sky as of late, and especially those that the U.S. military is experiencing, emanate from peer-state competitors, not another dimension or another solar system, there are certainly well-documented cases of seemingly unexplainable events that have nothing to do with this type of capability. In other words, our conclusions do not come even close to answering the question of UAPs or UFOs as a whole, especially in terms of the many unexplained incidents in decades past.”

Right, he’s not trying to explain Roswell, but he makes a damn good case about what this dripping story from the last few years about ufo’s tracking military craft in exercise zones is.

I’m also in agreement with his theory that the reason why the government plays dumb and puts quacks “in charge” of documenting it is because we do it to others too.

Russian submarines launching drones into restricted waters is a lot less fun than cloaked Romulan scouts, I know. But c’mon.

At best, most of the time, we’re messing with ourselves. At worst it’s commies.

Well mark you down for give up and surrender, noted.

I, for one, welcome our alien overlords.


Human civilization has existed for a few thousand years while the universe is billions of years old. The probability of another civilization existing contemporaneously with us is not terribly high, especially if you include the probability of them being technologically advanced enough to visit us AND the probability of them finding us in this humongous universe.

Is that another vote for roll over and accept being at their mercy?