Giuliani: "Truth isn't truth"

Someone should delete a post before a ban comes around.

Did you close the wiki? End of your rope?

No one is gonna argue with fhat.


Saw it! Dang was hoping for an intervention

So bummed I missed it.

It wont delete

Finally it deleted…have to rework that meme although the creator was inspired.

He’s trying to Obi-Wan Kenobi this ■■■■■

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Your threshold for inspiration is quite low.


A friend had turned me on to the books years before it became a show. So when I found out the show was coming out, I was… overly excited. :slight_smile:

“I like Lamp” -Trump jr


Out of curiosity, when was the last time America was great?


He has a point. He put it badly, but America _hasn’t_always been great, for some.

Those who think America was not great and aren’t very glad to be here…can leave…then America can be great Again.

We’ve had horrible, corrupt politicians from both parties. That will be over.

I’ve seen this question asked almost non-stop since 2015 and I have yet to see a reasonable answer

At what time did you think America was great? For everyone?

If those black people didn’t like being slaves, they could have just left. Nobody was forcing them to stay in America.


This earth is the killing floor and America is a divine miracle.

Leftists have scorched their seeds of goodness and will return to animality and even lower life states. This is karmic destiny.

So no timetable? Not day, month or year range?