Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Cohen

Rudy is gone by Friday.

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they already sleep in separate bedroom the divorce can’t be far off.

Mueller definitely interviewed. Whether he was “rejected” before he was appointed special prosecutor seems pretty doubtful to me. Trump isn’t the kind of guy that has the courage to deliver any sort of bad news to anyone. Just look at how he fires people. It doesn’t make sense.

That’s not going to stop Conan from believing it though.

i wonder if melania will testify against trump at his trial?

I say tomorrow.

scaramucci nervously glances at his shortest tenure trophy and his watch


Stormy’s lawyer is going to have a party tonight.

What did Guiliani say about firing Comey? Was it the old story? The other story? The other one? Or the new story?


■■■■■■■■■ Trump has already lied more than Obama did in eight years.

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I could be wrong but I don’t believe Giuliani is going anywhere. I’m sure Trump knew all about the interview with Hannity tonight and gave Giuliani the go ahead to spill the beans on the payment. Trump is the Deceptor-In-Chief and trying to distract from either something else or maybe distract from some other big news about to come out! Time will tell…

I just want everyone here to know that it’s nights like this that I can take some pleasure in the hellscape that is Trump’s America. Stormy skies ahead!

Rudy 2020!

Fox News front page completely ignored this story. Loooooool!!!

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No worries, folks! Rudy says it will all turn out that this was completely legal.

Nothing to see here, folks. Move along, move along.

Just a completely legal hush money payment denied by the President to his porn star mistress that was, ooops, actually paid by the President.

Keep on moving. It’s something you see virtually every day. No need to dawdle or gawk.

Trump put 66 millions of his own money into his Campaign.

Even if he took 130,000 back out of the 66,000,000 that he put in, its kind of silly to say it was campaign money and not his money (don’t know why he would have done it that way, though.

Why would you think the state run media of Trumpland speak ill of their messiah? ^ insert sarcasm here!!!

That doesn’t matter still illegal.


Fox news literally gets an exclusive. The first on this. One of their guys gets it on his show. And nothing. Not a word. Not a peep.

They can’t even pretend at being news.

Frankly, these little things aren’t the big news you all like to pretend.

"He (Giuliani) added that Trump’s overtures toward the Koreas are “much more significant than this garbage investigation.”

Your proof it was campaign funds and not personal funds?