Ginsburg Has Liver Cancer

I’m not interested in what is to Trump’s benefit. Trump should fill the position for the American people with a Justice that adheres to the Constitution. Period.

Except Republicans lost the ability to make that argument when they refused to consider Merrick Garland and refused to fill that position at all. That argument does not exist for them anymore.

Granted. However, that was yesterday. Today is today and we move forward.

Was Obama on his way out no matter what when that happened?

But if Biden wins and Democrats take the Senate, highly likely, I wouldn’t bother complaining if Democrats add several seats to the Supreme Court and fill them. Those complaints will fall on deaf ears.

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Why yes…yes he was.

So Senate and Trump should expand SCOTUS right now…name 6 new members and push em through the senate.

I dread hearing cancer diagnoses for anyone.


RBG has liver cancer and her time is short. She is 87 and has faced multiple battles with cancer.

Should she pass, it is relevant that the current administration replace her. Not wait until the next administration is seated.

I’m interested in Trump winning. 4 years of Biden would ruin the country- Justice or no Justice.

As am I.

Of course it would.

However, I disagree with Trump waiting to fill the seat.

Um what?

Exactly. An opportunity to replace such a stanch abortion supporter (with a pro lifer)should be taken immediately if the opportunity presents itself!

That would be a precedent which the GOP would retaliate with at the 1st opportunity.

I just want a Justice who adheres to the Constitution.

The odds for that are better under Trump than they are under a “Biden”.

What’s the current stack, anyway? 6-3?

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Well a staunch constitutionalist probably wouldn’t support roe vs wade.

If Trump fills the seat before the election he can’t run on a promise to fill it with a conservative. It’ll be a done deal by election time. I think he’ll blow his biggest campaign issue.
Plus if he fills it before the election and the Democrats win they’ll pack the Court with liberals - we’ll have a solid leftist Court for 30 or 40 years.

What she said seems pretty straightforward.

So basically you and the rest of everyone who was shouting no to Obama filling the SC slot in his last year are hypocrites?

But then Trump supporters have never really been concerned about character.

It will be interesting to see how McConnell spins this.

However I think we can all agree the best case scenario however unlikely is RBG to beat this and outlive us all,