Ghislaine Maxwell - 20 Years So What Will Happen Now?


What’s the question? Are you referring to the title of your thread?

Maxwell will go to prison, in a minimum-security facility. She’ll be there for 15-20 years.

LOL… some people just don’t know when to quit. I really am LOL.

I see you have edited your post since my response.

Now see, was that so hard?

She won’t kill herself, that’s for sure.





That’s great

A “client list” in and of itself is just a list of names. They would need to link names found on such a list to specific crimes.

Release the list. She has no reason not to do so now. Republican, Democrat or Royal. These are our elite, we have an interest in knowing. Connecting it to some specific crime is secondary.

Register Number: 02879-509
Age: 60
Race: White
Sex: Female
Located at: Brooklyn MDC
Release Date: UNKNOWN

They will likely calculate her release date in two or three days.

They should leave in Brooklyn MDC, that in itself is a suitable punishment. :smile:

She will likely end up at FMC Carswell, which is an Administrative Security Federal Medical Center for women.

Can you believe it? We found common ground. :beers: :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass: :+1:

The Old Maryland State Penitentiary on Greenmount Ave. in Baltimore. It was built during the Civil War to house prisoners of war. I worked for a service company hired by MD Department of Corrections in around 1988 to do a major cleanup of the D Wing that housed killers, rapists and other violent criminals. Spent six weeks shoveling, scraping, power washing human excrement and pigeon ■■■■■ We were hired within a couple of weeks of a guard being murdered over the living conditions. Pigeons roosted in the rafters and ■■■■ everywhere. Our guys worked on ladders approx 20’ from the bars of a five tiered internal structure housing the convicts. These guys were fed in styrofoam cups and would ■■■■ and piss in the cups then pitch them at our men working on these big wall heater units. Fun huh?
The convicts were locked down during our work day and it pissed them off. We were as you could imagine threatened constantly with retribution of all flavors. On a couple occasions guards in riot gear marched into the wing to take a convict out or tear his house apart. They would lock us in the shower area at the end of the block , very unnerving. The convicts would fight the guards and one showed us pieces of sharpened steel telling us: “ he would shove that in your head while looking you in the eye”.
My company did work for the MDDOC, VADOC and Baltimore City. I learned a lot working in “the joint”. Some were wretched and some not. All had one thing in common, there was no ■■■■■■■ way I would put myself into a situation willingly to live there for any period of time.

The death penalty is preferable to life in a prison. Or even twenty years. I have no idea why people don’t believe this. Five years in a bad prison will break most people as a functioning human being forever.

We had Western Penitentiary here. They just closed it after like a 140 years or something. It was a hellhole.

Destined for greatness!

Geeze, no clients then how come the 20 years?

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How condescending. As though being new means he fell off the turnip truck yesterday.




one or two unheard of people will be blamed

the rest will be protected

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this is nonsense. prison life is a dream for perps. talk to some prison guards.

Provided they even make it five years without catching another case.

Wow. That’s pretty intense.

Yes everyone likes being confined to a small box with other people for large portions of each day for years.

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