Germans consider Donald Trump the greatest threat to world peace

Did he, or did he not bomb more countries than any other president in the past 70 years?? Kill people that were on a list in his desk drawer, and give iranian terrorists billions of dollars??

Mr. nobel peace prize my ass.

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he did till Trump broke that record, he is the new drone king.

so so silly.

Neil Peart is a national treasure!

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“We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war,” Trump said.

I will never support war with Canada because of Rush.

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No. That title belings to Trump

I don’t think you know who Cynic is.

The Rush Army is far and wide. :smiley:

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that and the polar bear cavalry.

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Name those countries.

The same countries Obama bombed. Are you seriously unaware of Trump’s total?

The UK gave us Kate Beckingsale but that doesn’t mean we should trust those poxy weasels.

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Hey, I’ve seen armored bears and they are not to be trifled with. :flushed:

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Ya then you made her date Pete Davidson.

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If it wasn’t our money then whose money was it?

If we won that war could we force Rush back on tour?


So name them then.

Merkel and friends are overseeing the destruction of Germany.

Afghanistan, Syria & Iraq for starters. The sum total of dropped bombs is higher than what Obama launched in his entire 2 terms as President