Germans consider Donald Trump the greatest threat to world peace

We should bomb the hell out of Germany to prove them wrong.


And a two-time enemy that need to be kept in check for 40 years after the 2nd time around.

They’re germans.

How do you take it, in relation to the fact that they are Germans?

That is sooooo 1945.

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They actually did not need to be “kept in check” and managed quite well reforming themselves.

Not seriously first off.

And second, they have designs on being the big cheese in the EU.

Watch out, they’ve done things before.

One of our closest allies for the last 70 years

All of them??

The sum of them; yes. The only ally that is closer is the UK


(place eye roll emoji here)

Go ahead and cite post war examples of Germany being “kept in check”.

In the past we’ve fought the English, French, Germans, Spaniards, Italians, Japanese, Mexicans, and Canadians.

Therefore nothing they say should be taken seriously. Especially those shifty Canadians.



And Russia was our ally in ww2 so that’s reason enough to trust them

Meanwhile we fought the North Koreans but hey, Donald got a nice letter from Kim so pucker up.

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We also fought against the British and Japanese and Italians and Native Americans. I guess we should be just as weary of them as well.

But they gave us maple syrup and Rush!

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The english, french and japanese were threats to world peace in the past. Take them however you wish to take them.

As for the others…

I heard they sell milk in plastic bags.

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