General Jim "Mad Dog" Mattis Is Leaving

There are going to be a lot of people that wear insignia of rank on their shoulders or their upper arms that will read that letter and know exactly what is being said.

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Mattis being tagged as a “stinking lib” by trump supporters in 3…2…1…

New nickname, “Mad Lib” will be in the Right Wing Hyperbole Chamber by close of business tomorrow.

yep. military people aren’t stupid. they know Trump is selling us out to our enemies for $$ while pissing off people they may very well depend on for their lives in the future.

lol - That’s a nice big ■■■■ you, you’re an idiot letter to Trump right there.

Sad to see him go, but if Trump won’t listen to him anyway…

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Meanwhile, Mattis was predicted to be on his way out two months ago while this article (from two months ago) says the discussion had been ongoing for the previous six months. But hey, this is NEWS!!!

And Mattis resigning? I’m sure it wasn’t a “you can’t fire me, I quit” scenario.

Putin is Secretary of State, now.

Sergey Shoygu is Secretary of Defense.

Oleg Deripaska will be Secretary of Commerce just as soon as we can get those damn sanctions on him lifted.


The wheels are officially off the Trump administration.

The stock market might be scary tommorow.

Lindsey will be fired next.

I love your list. These are the same people the left went crazy about trump appointing, have been calling for their scalps at different times, and have gleefully “reported” on multiple times for leaving.

Now the regrets.

You all are too much.

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We need a national vote of no confidence for this dumpster fire administration.


I don’t believe that to be accurate at all. These are some of the few people that were praised for their selections. General Mattis, General Kelly, and Ms. Haley in particular.

President Mattis will be missed.

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Some people get what they want. Some don’t. Sorry lindsey, and all things the left says about you are okay.

no one was angry and crazed about Mattis or Kelly being in the cabinet. Mattis was voted in with 98, Kelly with 88 votes.


Yeah, Gen. Kelly “the racist” has been so popular, and we all know that Haley was sleeping with trump and bought expensive drapes…

Do we need to go down the whole list??

Leftists have been all over every one of them at different times.

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yep. this will filter down throughout the entire military (if it hasn’t already). those guys are watching us alienate our allies and i’m sure they’re as confused as we are.

Nothing in the post is true.

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