General Jim "Mad Dog" Mattis Is Leaving

its like reading a trump tweet with half the spelling errors


Mattis was liked. Not sure about Haley, didn’t keep up with her. Kelly and Tillerson weren’t well liked by the left, but they were the adults in the room. And it was felt they would try and hold Trump from trying to enact anything too crazy.

You mean Gen. Kelly “the racist” right??

No one that I know criticized fat donald for picking Mattis, no one.

nope i mean Gen Kelly who got confirmed to his DHS post with 88 votes

I don’t know what any of that means. General Kelly is a racist and Niki Haley was sleeping with President Trump? Lol



Putin has to feel like he won the Powerball.


The Senate had to pass a special waiver to allow Mattis to take on the role; **Gillibrand and 16 other Democrats voted against it. **

“No one.”

there was a foreshadowed tweet btw


Do they celebrate Xmas in Russia?

This is just the top result on Google

I forgot all about it.

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On the Orthodox calendar.

only when allowed by putin

yup that is indeed an opinion editorial good job. he was still confirmed to his DHS spot with 88 votes

Some folks seem desperate to make this thread about anything, ANYTHING except General Mattis resigning because the President is a ■■■■ up.

None of it true?

You all loved haley.

When fat donald tells you that you’re 100% safe, it’s time to run to the hills, run for your lves.

This post is what desperation looks like.

They grey lady leading the leftist charge.