Gay man leaves liberalism. Rejects the hate

HOLY ■■■■ kids we are officially down the rabbit hole of alternative facts.


Like seriously how can we ever expect to have any kind of conversation when basic verifiable true things are off the ■■■■■■■ table?

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This has got to be the most blatantly funny thread I’ve seen here in a while.

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I don’t know one could type that in their keyboard with a straight face.


Or Mike Pence
Or Mike Huckabee
Or Michele Bachmann
Or Jeff Sessions
Or Roy Moore
Or Rick Santorum
Or Rick Perry
Or Sarah Palin

Should I go on?

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It’s pretty amazing, right?

Of course no real Conservative is gay. He is a plant to make us look bad.

The guy is obviously prepping for a media publicity career. He will get it.

He blatantly knows how to play the rubes and pull the strings for consters media and money, just like trump. He will do well with the trumpletons and laugh all the way to the bank. Good for him.

I honestly find it hard to blame people when they sell out like this. You get paid if you’re willing to toe their party line, especially if you’re gay or a minority or a woman or whatever.

And publicity. Last night the guy was literally quivering with excitement that he was maybe going to get onto Hannity. It was hilarious.

Because Hannity is a real American hero supporting Trump and sing his praises daily.

When they find a single homosexual or person of color who agrees with them it’s like instant celebrity for that person. Chum in the water. Embarrassing.

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I usually never do it, but I watched the Kanye one explode in real time on Twitter and saw some of the funniest comments I’ve ever seen on social media.

That’s why Republicans wanted to make an amendment to the Constitution making marriage between one man and one woman.

They cared, they cared enough to make it their business.

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#walkaway is the top hashtag used by Russian bots and influencers over the last couple of days and the rightwing is, as usual, piling on.

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This is another version of the “woke toddler meme.”

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Tommy do you even know my party?

That’s what I noticed yesterday when I heard some right-wing ignoramus talk show host going on about how fabulous this “movement” was. I am current on my social media movements and it was the first I had heard of it. A quick search showed it to be what it is - a right-wing desperation ploy to create a false narrative.

What I found so funny about the right-wing ignoramus that was talking about it was how they said “wish we could have had the gay man on, but our show is packed!” and then proceeded to play a video by him, have guest commentators and take calls about the “movement”.

Yep, it’s a “movement” alright - a straight up bull bowel movement.

So which of those people is actively working to roll back gay rights? When gay rights are in jeopardy, please let me know. Until then leave people to their opinions. Fair enough?