Gao report rips trump COVID response

Is this a problem? People at his level of experience and expertise don’t come cheap.

…only because his pay wasn’t based on his accuracy. :sunglasses:


He makes weather broadcasters salary envious.

Emeritus faculty are nudged out before 80 and make half the salary.

Now we understand why he won’t step aside and let a younger sharper person have an opportunity.

Although…Rachel Levine would not be a step up.


The fatalities have oddly surged since election day.

By Worldometer Biden is at 67,000 as President.

I should add up the number as President elect.

Who is asking him to step aside?

No it is not odd. It was predicted. This is where Trump’s leadership on Covid the last year has left us.

Looks more like Biden win took the hope and life from a lot of elderly and frail victims.

There will be time to do a deep dive on the data.

It’s telling that you would use RCP to tell you medical statistics. 1.66% of what?

Meanwhile, tens of thousands are dying under the Kid Sniffer’s watch.

Rent-free. lol

Agreed. It is horrible that Trump allowed it to get to this point.

You do realize that almost all of the deaths we’re currently experiencing have had the virus since before the election. And even those that did catch it since the stage was already set by the incompetence of the former administration to develop any kind of national strategy.

On January 13, the peak of daily cases since October 2020, the daily case number in the US was 229,582. On February 3, the daily case number was 119,002. A reduction of over 110,000 daily cases in just about 20 days. Since Trump’s only worry those last days was protecting and defending himself. And the Biden Covid team was already calling the shots…I’d say Biden has shown very very well in his short time in office.

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As long as it’s Trump’s fault, that’s all that matters. Hell with those corpses being danced on, we’ve got orange to hate. lol

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What is the incubation period of the virus? And how long does it normally take a case to become terminal? Taking those 2 factors into consideration when did those who are currently dying catch the virus?

As of February 3rd, 2021, there have been roughly 26.5 million cases and 451,000 deaths from COVID in the United States. Over the last 14 days, daily new cases have decreased by about 30% and daily new deaths have decreased by about 1%.

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So you’re saying that reality is different than the narrative being pushed in this thread?


Well that statement is false. The number of deaths per day has been decreasing now that you have a President that is working to save lives over a President that thinks the pandemic is a hoax and a political attack on him personally.

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Yes. With multiple vaccines that will get this under control that Biden can claim is the result of his “plan”:.

The national rollout isn’t Biden’s plan? Can you point to Trump’s national plan for administering the vaccine?

If any deaths that happen after Jan 21st are on Biden… then so are the vaccinations.

Cant have it both ways

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