Game of Thrones - (potential spoilers)

I think after the third book is where the anger starts (it’s seems that’s where people start griping), so you are good. :+1:

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You are right. And it is common decency to not post big spoilers. Particularly when the forum software makes it so easy to hide them.

How long are you going to whine about this?

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The books are great. Read them. The only problem is that they end right after Jon Snow dies. I’m still waiting to find out what happens.

Ooops. Spoiler.


Nope. Its your own fault if you entered this thread where you know people will be wanting to discuss the events especially given that people were discussing past episodes as well. Had I started a new thread titled “Arya killed the Nightking” then you would have a point because the spoiler would have been unavoidable.

I didn’t get to see Endgame til Saturday so I mightily tried to avoid any article, facebook post, etc that referenced Endgame because I knew people who had seen it would discussing it there. Its called common sense.


I also didn’t see Endgame until Saturday. Overall it was easy for me to avoid spoilers for a few days, but my mom wanted to discuss what she heard on the news. SMH mom.

Luckily I had already heard about the shoots on familiar locations, so I already had a hint about what was going to happen. It was hard to stay completely spoiler free for a whole year.

One thing that is bugging me about Arya’s ninja assassination of the Night King . . . . exactly where did she come from. In the shot she is shown leaping down onto the Night King. But they were out in a field. Bran was under the tree and the Nightking was out away from him and the tree. So exactly where did she leap down from? Maise Williams / Arya is 5’1" so unless he pulled out a Michael Jordan leap how she is coming down at him since there was nothing to jump off of?

Minor nitpick because the scene was awesome and heavily foreshadowed as well since the move was the same one she pulled on Brienne last season when they were sparring.

I totally felt like Arya was a Deus ex machina.

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Ned Stark was behaded
Joffrey Baratheon was poisoned.
Jamie Lannister is sleeping with his sister
Tyrion Lannister killed his father
Ramsey Bolton cut off Theon Greyjoy’s manhood
Bran Stark is the three eyed raven
Hodor could well be dead
Wälder Frey arranged the murder of Rob and Caitlyn Stark. Then Arya killed him and his whole ■■■■■■■ family.
Ramsey Bolton’s dogs ate him.
And lastly Arya Stark killed the Night King.

Everyone up to speed now?


Aegon III married a six year old although he didn’t bed her right away.

In a way yes. But working backward it did fit the narrative. Perhaps because we were all distracted expecting Jon to be the one.

Rewatched it and you see a waft of air go through a white walker’s hair right before that frame (as if something might have passed by), which it kind of reacts to; so it seems she went right by them all quickly and she was super ninja Arya!

A tree?

I see GRRM makes his world dark one of the lords of the vale is a sraight up pedrofile.

same here, not seeing it till this thursday. Haven’t even clicked the Endgame thread on this board.


Bruce Willis is a ghost.

Yeah, when it comes to fiction sometimes you have to drop logic for the sake of high drama.

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Remember in episide 1 she snuck up on jon snow…and he asked her how she snuck up on him like that

There is likely more then one entery into the godswood all the wright were on standby they stopped moving once the nk entered. Ww seem to operate on a type of hive mind and with the nk sole forces on bran she ran passed everyone you see one of the ww eyes move as something runs past

one of the biggest issue I have with the WW in the show is they operate somewhat like a hive mind when in the books they are intelligent and can think for themselves and speak.

Arya fans (including me):

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