Future Scenarios in Russia/Ukraine

Some interesting scenarios.

I think China comes away with the most gain.

There will be a negotiated settlement in 2 to 6 weeks with China push. Taiwan is safe for now.

Putin will be replaced. Ukraine will rebuild.

What is China gaining?

Trade… visibility…power. Pushes aside Coronavirus blowback.

China had nothing to lose even by the tepid support of Putin at the onset.

I get that China has nothing to lose. They hardly have a dog in this fight.

I think at best they would get some super cheap gas from Russia for a little bit… but right now it looks like they are putting their finger up and testing which way the wind is blowing.

Agreed. But nobody wants to talk about that because not as sensational as nuclear Armageddon.


Damn chi-coms are clever. We need to redouble all efforts to counter. Bring on the new Cold War.

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So it’s a PR win for China. That sucks.

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Yup. Global power status goes up. China the peacemaker.

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They don’t even have to take Taiwan if all goes well. As China gains manufacturing capacity, Taiwan becomes obsolete, then China offers a hand. Next thing you know Taiwan’s holding China’s out turned pants pocket and following them around.

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Nah. There is no way Z let’s China be the hero here. With the backing of his Western friends, I think Z goes toe to toe with Putin and negotiates peace himself.

That’s how we’ll sell it, anyway.:slightly_smiling_face:


Always with the negativity.

I say we give a win to Democracy. :fireworks:

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Well…he is a sit com star after all…

Democracy’s dead. The new world order is communist, as it should be.


For sure he is.

The opening proxy war in Cold War II is a win for Democracy? A major player on the stage, with a top tier army turns out actually to be a paper tiger with a gas station?? A scrappy young country, led by a 21st Century W. Churchill slays the bear (with a little help from his friends)???

Hellz yeah, yay Democracy!!!

Alert the peasantry.



If it really is as bad as posted above, NATO involvement ensures a righteous ass kicking.

You need to realize what this writer knows.


Here’s a question I bet a few people here might be able to answer/speculate about in a relatively informed way:

How much do we know, intelligence-wise, about Putin’s decision-making, personnel, communications, agencies, etc.? I’m not sure how NATO countries (and others) share intelligence, either. Seems like potentially a lot of eyes and ears.

My knowledge of this stuff is mostly based on Le Carre novels.

I couldn’t answer that because what I know about that subject would fit on the head of a pin.