Funny How Things Come Full Circle-The Can of Worms Better Left Sealed

IC as in intelligence community, i’ll edit

Oh my bad. I read it as IG. Crossed some wires in muh Brain there for a sec.

Never mind.

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you must be watching a different version than the rest of the country.



Lol an old John Solomon lying opinion piece.



Show any of it to be false if you can.

Solomon takes Shokin at his word in that article.

That is the first problem with it.

Only to people with attention spans of gnats who don’t remember the Biden COI story was thoroughly explored…back in 2015 when it first happened.


It’s ok. Keep flogging that puppy.

You are wrong. Mueller did not testify that the campaign refused dirt. You must of watched a different version than the rest of the country.

As I said, show any of it to be false if you can.

I would love any pro-Biden conspiracy people to clear something up for me. Does firing the head of an investigation mean you are attempting to end the investigation now?

Thanks in advance

That doesn’t even make any sense. He demanded the firing which occurred within hours and the case was officially dropped after a review of his replacement.

Think about what you just wrote

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Technically not a crime

Taking Shokin at his word is the first mistake.

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From the Solomon article

Interviews with a half-dozen senior Ukrainian officials confirm Biden’s account, though they claim the pressure was applied over several months in late 2015 and early 2016, not just six hours of one dramatic day.

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Official corruption, abuse of office, using his office to protect and enrich his family.

Somehow I bet there’s a chargeable offense in there somewhere based on what we’ve been hearing as far as demanding charges against Trump from the democrats for the last couple or three years.

I’ll let Barr figure it out.

There’s literally nothing in this sentence that’s true.

You got em this time