Funny How Things Come Full Circle-The Can of Worms Better Left Sealed

Can you answer the question please? Then I’ll address your statement which is not true or not supported by fact.

Literally not true.

Barr is not necessary.

Which doesn’t dispute the known facts. When Biden threatened to withhold the money or lose the 1.5 billion he was gone in a matter of hours.

So either Biden is lying or his coercion worked.

I already have. Read my reply slowly if necessary.

Official corruption, abuse of office, using his office to protect and enrich his family.

Somehow I bet there’s a chargeable offense in there somewhere based on what we’ve been hearing as far as demanding charges against Trump from the democrats for the last couple or three years.

I’ll let Barr figure it out.

Then who would be the proper authority?

I’ll ask again. Does getting a head of an investigation mean you’re trying to end the investigation?

It was the official policy of the US and the entire Western World for Shokin to be removed. That policy was in effect for months.

That is the one fact that has to be ignored for this stupid conspiracy theory to make any sense.


That does not tell the complete story or explain the benefits of and for Biden Jr or take away the obvious COI.

It also was WAY before Joe bragged about it on video…Some bitch he was gone before those 6 hours were up.


John Solomon. :rofl:

Did Joe put Hunter on that board as a kind of trap or something?

I suppose it was just a really unlikely convergence of business…surprise!

I know I always look for corrupt ventures to steer my offspring towards when they seek advice.


There’s so much BS surrounding the facts and almost all of it traces back to this dude

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The tendency to look for shadowy conspiracies that make no sense while a giant neon sign with an arrow is blinking and pointing at a transcript Trump himself released YESTERDAY is so stupid and hilarious.

It does tell the whole story.

Biden bragged about getting Shokin removed because Shokin was a corrupt piece of ■■■■■■■ that governments and other entities all over the world were in agreement on. Biden was simply the point man for a universally agreed action. You think the whole world was in cahoots with him to “protect his son”?

Which of course, brings us to the completely made up part of the story…that Shokin was a great guy in dogged pursuit of Burisma as part of his gallant efforts to drain the Ukrainian Swamp.

He wasn’t investigating Burisma. He wasn’t draining anything.

He was the epitome of a Swamp Creature.

Firing him made it MORE likely, not less, that companies like Burisma would be investigated.

As for the COI as I have repeatedly said…anyone who was paying even the tiniest bit of attention knew about the COI.

But…a COI is not in itself a criminal act.

This is the guy with a cache of money and diamonds he couldn’t explain like a Pink Panther movie, right?

I’m enjoying it personally. Next up will be dressing like they’re doing a Hamilton revival and claiming to have not been on Earth since the Clinton Administration.


Yep… that’s the guy that Solomon believes without a shred of skepticism.

Its like you’re plagerising trump’s resume


Well, in fairness, believing people with a history of corruption and white collar crime without blinking seems to be the current conservative MO.

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America - “Wow. The current POTUS released a memo that suggests he withheld aid from a foreign power in order to solicit help in gathering dirt -”



Nothing criminal about 3 million in fees from a Ukraine gas firm for a US lawyer?


Not so sure about that on my end.
