Frequent boycotter Trump blasts liberals for calling for Home Depot boycott

oh to long for those forgotten days.

Yep the Target one worked great too. Damn those Unisex bathrooms…

Where do you see hypocrisy in Trump’s position? Has he ever said that all boycotts are a bad thing?

Trump is a hypocrite.

They had to have police officers here to direct traffic at chik fil a here…until they started running out of food that is.:+1:

The Hobby Lobby boycotts went well too.

He’s all for boycotts when it serves his agenda.


So you support every boycott for every cause because to only support boycotts for causes you agree with but to object to boycotts in support of causes you disagree with would be hypocrisy?

Oops, :smile:

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Why would you be for a boycott that doesn’t serve your agenda?

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If you’re going to get upset at people for boycotting for what they believe in, don’t get upset at being labeled a hypocrite when you’ve boycotted for something you believe in.

It’s not difficult. Don’t be a hypocrite.


You don’t have to support all boycotts. However, if you decide to boycott, don’t get your panties in a bunch if someone else decides to do the same.

pot vs kettle?

Me? I could not care less if people decide to boycott something. Have at it. But when Trump has a history of boycotting, then criticizes those who do the same, I’ll call him a hypocrite. Because that’s what he is.

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But he didn’t criticise boycotting per se. He criticised calls for boycotting good people. How is it hypocriticsl to be against boycotts against good people, but in favour of boycotts of bad people?

I see. So there were no “good people” at Unavision, Macy’s, Apple, CNN, the NFL or Nike when he advocating boycotting those companies? All just filled with bad people who needed to be punished. Gotcha. How about when he called for a boycott of the entire country of Mexico?

Or Scotland?

Or Italy?

Entire nations of bad people I suppose.

So, you oppose all boycotts, then? Is that right?

No. I literally just posted;

I oppose hypocrites.

The boycott is stupid because the person who they are upset no longer work for them.

But you said there are good people in companies who are being punished, along with the wicked. It sounded like you cared about them.

Trump hasn’t said it’s wrong for boycotted people and their friends to be unhappy about being boycotted, so why is it hypocriticsl for him to be upset about his friends being boycotted?