Freedom of the Press?

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TDS on steroids ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Grow up! If Trump can influence these judges in any way, they should be FIRED!!! We are each responsible for our choices…unless you are that weak? Are you? Are they?

Do you believe Boston police voted for Trump?

I’m sorry, that is ridiculous.

Well over half, I’d bet.

Not a direct influence, of course not. Do you think the things congress and the president say have any influence on SCOTUS? Cuz they sure as hell make a lot of noise about them when a controversial decision is coming up and it ain’t all just for votes, especially when it is senators that don’t have an election coming up. SCOTUS judges have mentioned strong shifts in public opinion in their decisions, that’s gotta mean something. They are human first, they have opinions and those opinions evolve over time. It doesn’t have to be a direct influence to be a factor.

Pfffffft. Did FDR change the tone of things? JFK? Reagan? What the president says in public is very important and should be weighed against the pros and cons. Every word.

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This has been going on for far longer than Trump has been a name.

I am very disappointed this is what the left chose to focus on.

She does; The hidden Trump voter — the police - The Boston Globe

Speaking for myself, I said it was likely a factor and put the blame heavily on the judges and SF police in this particular case. I get called a liberal all the time, I might as well play the game lol.

Trump is such an easy target though, admittedly that can be a distraction.

We have a police problem in this country. Trump has nothing to do with it.

Very disappointed.

And we have for a long time, no argument from me.

Every president has something to do with it though. Was it better or worse under Obama?

It was the same because the President has nothing to do with it.

You people have investigated her inside and out and found zip. Mueller investigated Donald “Ted Baxter” Trump once and found a lot with much still to be uncovered. And she’s in your head. She’s the big winner.

Found zip? :rofl::rofl::rofl::point_up:

Some of what you say is true…she’s that good. That’s why when Comey said she broke the laws but didn’t “intend” to…I was pissed. I give her much more credit than that. I don’t believe Bill would have ever been President had he not married Hillary? At this moment in time, I can honestly say that “NO my friend”…she has not been honestly investigated for her server, her involvement with Trump’s Russian collusion accusation, the Clinton Foundation or Uranium One?.


“An investigation isn’t honest unless it reaches the result i desire.”

Huh, that sounds familiar.

When emails are under a Congressional subpoena, are intentionally deleted, bleach bit run through the devices, they’re then destroyed and the IT guy that did it is given immunity…yeah…I question that…and so should you…if…you really want the same great things for our country as I do?

When I think of “great things for my country,” I certainly do not think, “My political opponent must go to prison, or otherwise, my country is not great.”

That’s the preoccupation of every tin-pot dictator (and their syncophants) who’s ever lived.

MAGABIPO! Make America Great Again By Imprisoning Political Opponents!


Found by a kangaroo court. Where are the jail sentences she should have gotten for these so-called illegalities? Answer: There are none. Because there were no illegalities. Meanwhile Ted Baxter Trump’s admin has illegalities, jail sentences and corruption up the wazoo. Enjoy it.