Freedom Exemplified

I can’t help you, and I’m not sure what it has to do with this topic.

It doesn’t matter what I believe.

when I was 10 I tried waking my father.

When I was 12 I saw a man that was nearly decapitated from a car wreck.

And it only got worst as I got older.

It’s life…life that I cannot control.


Not read about it, read it. It hasn’t been “discredited” at all. It’s been decried because it has inconvenient truths all in it.

I still haven’t found the racism. But I’ll continue to look.

I’m lost here. Everyone is telling me what to do…but I never hear why that need to control other thoughts and emotions.


It was justified. “Laws”

Sounds like an interesting thread topic.

Based on what?

What have you seen at a homosexual pride parade?

Been with her for years, what quality of life would he have without her.

And maybe she needed him on the other side. Some Indians used to do it with horses.


I realized decades ago that I don’t control ■■■■■ So I stop pretending.


Her dog, her decision.

No, I disagree, and so does NYC.

No. Who did she harm?

You are both irrelevant.


I’d like for you to quote one post by any conservative on this forum to the contrary. Just one.

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It is.

No one this time if you don’t count the taxpayers who cleaned up her mess and repaired any damaged property.

Should people be able to commit suicide by driving into an oncoming truck as long as the truck driver isn’t hurt?

Actually she jumped in NYC, so the city’s laws seem relevant to me.

She was 60, she was paying taxes before you were born. And won’t draw social security. Tax payers are fine.


Yes your honor I dropped that cement block off the overpass into the freeway, but it didn’t hit anyone, so was it really a crime?