Freedom Exemplified

They are immoral.

Come on man.

This one isn’t.

It absolutely is. The city of NY doesn’t know what’s best for her dog.


The taxpayers are both fine and victims in this case.

All these complaints and laws and conventions. , she got the last word, not the government and not society.

That’s freedom.


Its no different…“I was speeding officer, but no one got hurt”…

Is that better?

Now the absurdity that I come to expect.

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Not victims, she was paid in full and the tax payers came out ahead. Money grubbers.


There is no circumstance where jumping off a building and splattering on the sidewalk is “best for her dog.”

I think that’s what really is upsetting em so much.


What’s the speed limit for vertical travel in NYC?

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Funny how you care more about her dog then her mental state.

Don’t you find that interesting? I do…


Of course there are. What a silly thing to say.

It’s the same. Sidewalk, freeway, cement block, 100 + pound woman. Both deadly to have land upon you from any appreciable height.

OK that made me laugh. :rofl:

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Who did she land on?

She made the decision, and it’s a decision I respect, but the dog didn’t decide.

Good Lord.