Free Sgt. Daniel Perry

You were right to shake your head at that.


However on that day, that crowd was more peaceful and less threatening than the crowd that stormed the Capitol.

Yet you call that crowd a “mob” and the Capitol crowd you call a…?

So without his guy how would this guy have killed the other guy?

You think this guy could have killed the other guy with scissors?

Don’t know. How’s they do it in the old days when there were shoot outs in the streets?

Oh…he drove onto the sidewalk?


If Sgt Perry was a vet and BLM member that killed a Trump supporter who was also a vet…This thread would be all about demanding " justice for the victim" and would go on and on how he was a vet who served his country…ala Ashley Babbit. Y’all would have him pronounced the shooter guilty already.

Maybe he would have done it with another guy.

So you say.

I say differently.

How did the mayors house fare?


That’s happening every weekend in Chicago and usually between gang members who aren’t even legal to have guns usually because of their previous felony convictions .

The left and media give that no notice however. Narrative…something…something.

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Lol. Bludgeon one guy with another guy!


Umm, by running him over with his car.

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They didn’t. There weren’t.

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Ashli Babbitt was unarmed and killed by an alleged cop. A la George Floyd. Say her name.


Attacking a cop and a police line/ barricade…There I fixed it for ya.

Had he ever done that?

That’s more dangerous than guns and cars put together. :rofl:


Why would that matter? The gun didn’t make him kill someone. He wanted to kill someone and chose that method. There are numerous other methods.

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No, you changed it.

I disagree. Yet another irredeemable sin?