Free Sgt. Daniel Perry

And I’m not surprise your lack of creativity.

In reality IMHO a gun isn’t very effective weapon if you want to go on a…I’ll let your imagination to finish that thought.

There can be no communication unless we share a mutually intelligible language. Words need to have meanings.

I can imagine quite a lot. I’m asking you to tell me what you mean.

Ability to communicate with minimal amount of words require higher intelligent…words are cheap and used for manipulation.

If Perry wanted to go there to do some serious harm to protestors…a gun would be ineffective.

Just thought I’d point out that the notion of violent felons someday getting access to guns again wasn’t some crazy idea limited to SWP.

How exactly does one communicate on a message board without words?

This is the most baffling statement I think I’ve ever heard on this message board.

Shared experiences and knowledge…try it sometimes.

If they’ve completed their sentence, are they still felons?

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Suicide is my right as an autonomous entity. Obviously I haven’t exercised it, but I sure as hell reserve the right. Oh and I wouldn’t use a gun, unreliable.


They were justufed to protect themselves.

I don’t disagree.

But does that mean it should be easy?

The vast majority of people who attempt suicide - but are stopped - never try again.

I have many friends who have attempted to kill themselves, at various times in their lives. I am glad they failed, as are they.

Scissors stab people. Ban scissors :cowboy_hat_face:

That people are generally morons doesn’t diminish my right. Pretty sure I could manage to kill myself if that was my goal. Because, not a moron. What you are pointing too are stupid people or people crying for help.

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Yep moron is as moron does.


Are they stopped after they did it?they sure will not attempt again?

No just future liberal voters. Free mexico.

No, it’s not about force.

They don’t want to kill themselves anymore.

Maybe, maybe not.

If Sgt. Perry hadn’t killed a BLM rioter, he never would have been charged. The past year has taught me that BLM has a separate tier of justice and will never, ever, be held accountable for anything violent. Our own vice president bails them out.


Do you think the guy in the op who killed a man was too dangerous to be in society?

Or perhaps if he wasn’t carrying a gun, he wouldn’t have killed anyone….