Free Sgt. Daniel Perry

Could be. How will you prove it in court?

Not true. The vast majority of people shot do not die.

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But the vast majority of those who die at another’s hands do so by way of a bullet.

Most people who are shot at another’s hands do not die.

Yet nevertheless, those that do make more than three quarters of all homicides in the United States.

Have you ever read about coal gas and suicide rates?

And it usually takes time for them to die of their wounds when they do.

Yeah, so? Texting and driving kills far more.


No, it doesn’t. Guns kill twice as many people a year than accidents caused by texting and driving.

Well, maybe you should.

Your vehicle is far more dangerous then a gun.


Not true. You are counting suicides.



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Of course I’m counting suicides.

Have a nice night.

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That very much depends on how you define your terms.



Every time you fire up your vehicle you’re in effect using a dangerous product.

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I don’t actually own a car. But even if I did, I still don’t know what your point is supposed to be.

How are you defining “dangerous”?

Not going into details…but use your imagination.

So you won’t define your terms.

It’s not like I’m surprised.