FoxNews rails against vaccine passports while implementing one…

“Things” being petty tyrant bureaucrats, yeah I know.

“Things” being Congress has the power to delegate its regulatory powers any way they wish.

Sure, sure. To petty tyrant bureaucrats. Always.

OK. And … ? :man_shrugging:

I wonder if Tucker will do a segment on this tyranny.

Btw Tucker is vaccinated.

Amen to that. :clap: :clap: :clap:

That’s their(libs) favorite tactic which is why so many don’t trust them. Or listen to them.

What warped logic.

Is it?

Do you want CDC employees to be elected?

No, and I don’t want unelected bureaucrats issuing edicts.


Edicts you don’t agree with*

No, edicts.

I do agree with COVID vaccinations.

The wet dream of tyrants. Traveling papers.


So you feel this way about needing IDs at the airport and passports to travel internationally?

I remember the loads of protests on this site against that kind of stuff…:sunglasses:

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Considering our govt could not stop 9/11, and then removed our liberty, I don’t care about ID’s for traveling either. Our govt is corrupt the bone. The smaller the better. End the TSA, FBI, CIA, NSA. They hate freedom!


No IDs for voting either, then…right?

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If y’all keep quoting the original post causing the review flag, it’s going to take a while to get approved here in a little bit.

Ah got it…thanks…I was wondering why that was happening!

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Voter ID?

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