Fox News' Shep Smith: There is no invasion. No one is coming to get you

Did you see them break through Mexico’s border with rocks and a army of young men? I did…

I was unaware Mexico was part of America.

Well. they are part of N. America and yet they don’t have the great history we do? I wonder why?

And that is why Shepard Smith is the ■■■■■■■ man in my book. He looks at the real picture. And here I go. Konssurvative1 isn’t a conservative. He sides with Smith…who’s a liberal. Nah…Shep just said it like it is. There is no ■■■■■■■ INVASION! We will be ok. What are you afraid of.

Do I want thousands of immigrants coming here illegally? NO I do not. but if they want to come here through Legal means…fine.

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Not hardly. They are not to be trusted.

I don’t blame you.

Getting Played? Got played…from the beginning. LOL

Message = Fear
Fear brings about the belief that is true among the ignorant who only listen to the message…They are coming to invade us…therefore we should be afraid and hate them as much as we can. Use military force if necessary! Save us Trump.


How the message works. It’s working on both sides.

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the “invasion” thing is just to get votes. Trump (and Republican Media for that matter) are experts at inflaming people to gain votes.

I would not say that fear of something is ignorant as long as it is based in reality. Now, should we be afraid of an “invasion” comprised of impoverished men, women, and children who are slowly walking here and likely a few months away? Probably not.

Should we fear the rise of politicians who peddle in misinformation like this in order to sow hatred of “the other”? Especially when they have demonstrated time after time that this is their goal and they are willing to say or do pretty much anything to achieve it? I think that is fair.

Me?? I said the person sending them was probably gonna be a huge trump supporter. Never said anything else.

Why lie about me now??

If one listened to a certain media, they would have heard the fear of Middle Eastern men joining the caravan. They would have heard about 7000 people pouring into the US all at once. They would have heard about many of them obtaining voters cards and voting in this election. They would have heard about an evil rich billionaire funding the caravan. All fear, all anger, all hate. All in an effort to paint this caravan as the end of the US, unless some patriotic Americans came forth to stop it.

Or they are accepting Mexico’s offer of asylum, as the post stated.

No…I agree. The ignorant…those who refuse to look for the truth…and only accept what the media and government tell them. They are the ignorant of which I speak. The Hatred…is the divisiveness this country is being faced with right now.

All they are doing is stroking white fear

Yep…this is why you have to look at or listen to many sources, and put the truth together out of the lies. with every lie is a grain of truth…so you have to be smart enough to put it all together and sift through the lies.

You left out the accusation that they were infected with leprosy.

And mysterious Polio like viruses too.

What about … what about …

You betcha. Only known antidote to hypocrisy.