Fox News continues to betray Trump

Read this posters quote a few times.

All you need to know about the type who support and defend Trump.

That’s because he’s a Lawyer, Judge and has actually studied the law. Not like a lot of wannabe experts hanging out here…saying the Mueller report doesn’t matter, He was Exonerated end of story, Nobody cares.

I think our friends in the Trump camp probably ought to take a much closer and conspicuous listen to what the Judge has to say.

It’s a double negative meaning the opposite is true. You can obstruct no crime. Interesting. Grammar means something.

Classic. Don’t like what someone says…make fun of him.

I think one of the main reasons that Trump plays so loose with his lies is that he knows his base doesn’t care about objective truth. Trump is rude, narcissistic, spiteful, unapologetic, uncaring, untrustworthy, ignorant, unfaithful and selfish…yet they LOVE HIM TO DEATH. He’s the the culmination of the hate machine built up by conservative media. As long as Trump hates the same people they hate and attacks the same people they want to attack, truth be damned.

I’d wager that conservatives think about Hillary and Obama 10 times more than democrats. As long as they can paint the other side as evil, they can excuse any wrong doings by republicans.

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Self reflection isn’t their strong suit.

It’s sad to see what’s become of Fox News lately. Fox News used to be the only place a person could get fair and unbiased news. All the other “news” organizations are totally corrupt and completely in the business of getting Demonrats elected. Only Fox News was interested in being fair and balanced. I don’t know why, but they no longer are acting in the best interest of America. Liberalism is a disease and Fox News has caught it. Luckily there are alternative outlets like Breitbart and WND which are still willing to tell the truth.

You said that…not me. :sunglasses:

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Trump supporters have plan B…Pence.

They’re just trying to hedge their bets so if/when things go south, they can deny they were real Trump supporters, just like they did with Bush.

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Lol wrong.

This Fox News reporter gets it.
You Sound Like ‘White Supremacist Chat Room’"

McKelway began his email with a Winston Churchill quote: “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” He then proceeded to echo the pro-Trump claim that the president never said what he said about the neo-Nazis who marched at the deadly event.

Within minutes of that email, Fox News Radio’s White House correspondent Jon Decker stepped in to chastise his colleagues.

“I really don’t understand the point you are making,” he wrote. “Jarrod Kuhn was one of those individuals in Charlottesville holding a tiki torch while the mob chanted ‘Jews will not replace us.’”


I said “by experience” (do libs ever read whats written) meaning I have listened to him often enough to know that he is full of bull on a variety of issues and topics, so I don’t waste my time anymore! I just fast forward or ignore him! Same with Geraldo. when I see their mugs on my TV I do something else. :roll_eyes:

The judge didn’t hold back. Fat donald obstructed justice.


Already covered in other threads but suit yourself.

If you want to rely on Fox News analysts instead of the DOJ, you have that right.

What actions exactly? What he did in is private and business life or what he is doing in public service? A good economy, jobs galore, better trade deals, prison reform, lower taxes so far so good by me! :+1:

Recently there was policy I’m not sure I agree with but I wouldn’t talk about it here in this forum where there is no reasonable debate because it’s majority anti-free speech, anti- opposing opinions hate & Trump liberals! :open_mouth:

In fact the Politics forum should be re-named the hate Trump forum! :roll_eyes:

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I didn’t make that post.

I listen to Jon Decker on the radio doing his news segments throughout the day. Hope he gets to stick around now that this is out there. Trumpletons are probably attacking him on Twitter and Facebook.