Fox News continues to betray Trump

Some Trump supporters cling to the idea that they haven’t really bought into Donald’s brand, they’re just on board because they had to “save the nation.” Might help them sleep at night but in the end they’re just as responsible for this ■■■■ show. At least those who are vocal and enthusiastic about their adoration aren’t pretending to be anything else for the sake of appearances.

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They will not replace us!

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What’s even more sad is the hate I’m seeing across the country that’s based on feelings and not facts.

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You do realize that Clinton is no longer in the picture, right?

Are you unwilling or incapable of holding Trump accountable for his actions? You can’t keep falling back on “but Hillary” as an excuse to justify Trump.

She is in the picture of that decison until I have to make this same decision again.

Which is crazy. Of course people are going to replace us. Just like we replaced Ben Franklin and Abraham Lincoln.

How many other voters who elected all those Presidents over the centuries have said the same for who ever lost the last Presidential election…3 years in?

Did Lincoln voters obsess on Douglas?

Did Kennedy voters obsess on Nixon?

Did LBJ voters obsess on Goldwater?

Did Clinton voters obsess on Dole?

Just a few examples.


He was a Trump hater from day 1. Lots of them at Fox. Sad to see him get TDS… He knows there is nothing there but gossip. Mueller was conflicted from day 1 and had he been removed from the investigation into nothing, it would have continued…

You can’t obstruct no crime…

Oh, and Fox should stop reveling dem candidate weaknesses and scandals before they get nominated…

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I’m echoing back to the Charlottesville - jews will not replace us

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Democrats have embarrassed themselves with allegations of treason, meddling, collusion, obstruction…and now you’ve got your bony grip on abstract legal theories, personal views and perceived events. If democrats want truth of treason, sabotage, collusion, obstruction, lying, destroying subpoenaed evidence…you only need to look at Crooked Hillary. It’s all truthfully there…but you don’t want it because you don’t care.

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I ask myself that question every day…how can any rational person can support the democrat party…they’re unfit to govern.

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It’s not about Hilary or Obama. They’re gone, irrelevant, forgotten. It’s about your hypocrisy. You brood over Trump but Hilary and Obama did the same thing or worst.


That stink will follow em wherever they go…doesn’t matter how many time they shower.

This is this close as we’re ever going to get to a Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity presidency (from a messaging perspective).

Trump was smart enough to see they have perfected their craft. He saw which messages Rush and Sean deliver and simply copied them. If you listen to Trump you’re really just listening to Rush/Sean in most cases.

So instead of having to come up with his own messages, Trump saw what republicans would die for, by simply listening to radio and TV, and used it to his advantage. That’s really, really smart.

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You’ve been happily wallowing in Donald’s pigpen for two years… if you’re smelling anything it’s expired Aqua Velva, corruption, and desperation with subtle undertones of Orange Creamsicle.

Next you’ll be solemnly declaring that as a Trump supporter that you find lying and sexual infidelity from Democratic politicians appalling. :rofl:



  1. More expansion of civil rights under Democratic Presidents.
  2. Less expansion of debt under Democratic Presidents.
  3. Better performance of the stock market under Democratic Presidents.
  4. Far less corruption under Democratic Presidents

I guess if you don’t like those things then perhaps Republicans are better.

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Yeah, the Judge with Eddie Munster hair not a big fan favorite with Fox News viewers. I don’t even listen to him so I didn’t hear his “opinion” on this subject. But by experience I’d say his opinion is much like all his opinions which are WRONG! :roll_eyes:

:point_up: Typical Trump supporter. The above post translates to:

“I have no idea what he said but since it was critical of Trump I know he was wrong.”

Do Trump supporters ever listen to themselves?


Who do you think you’re fooling? You think we’re idiots and we don’t know?? Dude please!

So that’s why you voted for him, but that doesn’t explain why you excuse him of his faults now.

It’s like, fine, you voted for him because you think HRC is worse…all good…but if he turned out to be a murderer, would you still support him? It kind of sounds like you would.

And if you wouldn’t…where is the line? We know that you will support him if he lies - daily - about things both significant an insignificant. You will support him if he gives his staff illegal orders, if he tries to fire the SP, if he fires the director of the FBI to stop an investigation, if he slanders war heros, mocks parents of dead soldiers, etc…

What will it take for you to say “Well, I voted for the guy, but enough is enough. He no longer has my support.”?